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Verbesserung der Sprachkompetenz der Lehrkräfte, um Schüler gezielter auf den gemeinsamen europäischen Arbeitsmarkt vorbereiten zu können.
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participating in a course in an English speaking country will enable us - two English teachers at Berufliche Schulen Altötting, Germany - to improve our personal language skills to offer our students English lessons at a high level. Therefore we want to improve our vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar as well as our intercultural skills. The courses, we have chosen, are special teachers' courses which are offered by experienced language schools in Ireland and Scotland. Therefore we will get fresh impetus for modern and differenciated English lessons, as they are taught by native speakers. Our students as well as our colleagues will benefit from our improved occupational competences as we will pass on our newly acquired knowledge in an inhouse training course. We can make use of the experience we gain abroad in our next students' project in Great Britain.
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