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Verbesserung der fremdsprachlichen -, methodisch-didaktischen - und interkulturellen Kompetenzen im Hinblick auf eine Professionalisierung und Einsprachigkeit des Unterrichts im Fremdsprachenkarussell der Europa-Schule Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Europa-Schule Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm in Erfurt is the largest primary school in Thuringia. Since 1994 we have aligned our school concept “We learn for Europe“ on strengthening the European awareness of our pupils. Thus we consider a participation in the offered trainings as necessary to gain new inputs for our work. We will focus on a project emphasing foreign languages. Indeed, we want to approach new ways to professionalise. This courses we apply for are excellent possibilities to improve language skills, to meet like-minded colleagues from different countries during meetings and in the freetime to share ideas, make friends and find partners for future Erasmus+ projects. It is planned that six teachers attend the courses in different countries according to their target languages over two years. The team consists of the school management and different language teachers. So we make sure that many members of staff will be involved. Later they are able to inform the school community and share their knowledge and new ideas. They will learn about new cultures and languages, will broaden their horizons and will reflect on their personal experiences and socio-cultural conditions at the same time. Indeed, it supports a further development of their personality. At its best they pass their experiences, ideas and knowledge on staff, pupils, parents and visitors of the school. Our school concept “We learn for Europe“ is filled with life again, deepened and can cause future collaboration with teachers from other coutries. We already started to establish a new Erasmus+ team at school while applying for the offered courses. In order to benefit as much as possible from the training we will prepare thouroughly for the courses. Apart from the personal gain in experience our colleagues will educate themselves in management skills, implementation and evaluation of projects. Furthermore, they will be able to improve their daily work at the Europa-Schule. We learned that a participation in such projects are very valueable to motivate teachers, pupils, parents as well as visitors of the school to think about their role as citizens in Europe. Penpals, classpartnerships and Skype-meetings among classes strengthen the European awareness of pupils as much as their motivation to learn a foreign language. The children of today are the citizens of Europe of tomorrow.
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