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Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten zur ...
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since the beginning of the school year 2013-14 students with special needs are taught in regular schools. The Oberschule Westercelle teaches 33 pupils with special needs in two integrated classes (class 6 and 7) or in grade 5 in 4 classes each with 26 students . We would like to improve our experience in the implementation of inclusive schooling and the thereby altered forms of education with European schools by a professional exchange. We would like to send 8 teachers ( specialist teachers , classroom teachers , special education teachers, school board members ) who teach in these grades to our partner schools in Most / Czech Republic , Surahammar / Sweden , Hoorn / Netherlands and Perpignon / France. Two teachers will participate in a training course abroad to develope their technical and methodological skills , but also to find new partners for future projects. 4 school board members will attend European conferences or meetings. Our main interest is the implementation of the inclusive concept at the Oberschule Westercelle supported by the inclusion of new experiences and impulses of our partner schools .
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4 Partners Participants