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Vecbebru Profesionālās un vispārizglītojošās internātvidusskolas audzēkņu mācību prakses un pedagogu pieredzes apmaiņa Vācijā un Igaunijā.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Our aim- knowledge, skills and experience” which was planned to be implemented in the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016 envisaged improvement of students` practical skills and acquiring new knowledge in Germany and Estonia, as well as teachers` exchange of experience targeted at gaining new ideas for better organization of theoretical and practical teaching process. Students participating in the project are acquiring initial vocational training in the sphere of public catering, and through carrying out the project activities they developed their skills and competences with the aim to raise personality qualities as well as to become more aware of better competitiveness in the national and European labour market. The teachers involved in the projectl got acquainted with organization of theoretical teaching process in Estonian professional educational establishments and its connection with practical training, as well as participated in discussions about differences in ensuring vocational education and training in Estonia and Latvia. The project was implemented in 2 activities- learning mobility for professional school students and education specialist.In 3 flows took part 10 students trainees (mostly children from needy families) and 7 members of the school pedagogical staff – teachers of theoterical subjects and practical training (1st flow- 5 students practised in Germany; 2nd flow- 7 teachers exchanged experience in Estonia; 3rd flow- 5 students practised in Estonia). Cooperation partners were SALO Neue Zeiten AG in Germany and SALO Baltic International OŪ in Estonia- organizations with yearslong experience in implementation of European mobility projects. Activities carried out were: -competition for selection of participants and interviews, -making and signing agreements between cooperation partners, students and pedagogues, -trainees` practice in workplaces, -monitoring and evaluation of the practice, -certification, - providing intermediary and final reports (trainees and school), -dissemination of results and publicity. Project implementation will add 10 smarter and professionally better prepared new specialists to Latvian and European labour market and undoubtedly contribute to development of the field of public catering and economics in general. The school, Latvia and its education system will get 7 professional training specialists with international experience, open for new ideas and innovations.

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2 Partners Participants