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Vaskivuoren kansainvälisyyden kehittäminen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of our Upper Secondary School of Vaskivuori is to improve the quality of teaching by sendig staff to courses of continous development and to periods of job shadowing. We want to provide a better, more motivating and international school for our students for them to become more prepared for the future. The teachers of arts, music and theatre will participate in job shadowing in Britain to get new ideas for our extensive arts and music and arts programme and especially for the musical that is one of the most important events of our school year. The teachers of languages, counselling and health education will participate in courses of continuous development with the emphasis on ICT, cultural skills, literature teaching and internalization of education. The special education teacher participates on a course about dyslexia. The Spanish teachers will do a job shadowing in two schools in Spain two learn about the culture, language teaching and the use of ICT in those schools and start a strategic partnership and an exhange programme with them. The duration of this programme is 24 months and its main objectives have been planned jointly with the director and the participants. All the knowledge will be shared with the school staff at the end of the job shadowing and courses. All the participants are required to share the information with other teachers. The teachers' mobility and the courses aim at improving the quality of the teaching at our school. We hope to get some new tools for facing the challenges of the new curricula and the internet based final exams. Our aim is to prepare our students to be able to obtain international experiences at school and to become responsible European citizens.

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