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VAluing experience Beyond university (Valoriser les Acquis Buissonniers)

Many European countries are faced to high levels of unemployment among youngsters. Universities around the European Union have tried to bridge the gap between the knowledge they deliver and the demands of the labor market. In this perspective, they have tried to express their diplomas in terms of skills and competences. This is one of the key points of the recent reform LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorate) to propose a common framework to European universities to enhance transparency and mutual recognition of the diplomas and as a result the validation of their students' skills and competences. The Europass launched in 2002 has been another European initiative meant to propose a tool and method to integrate into the curriculum vitae this dimension of skills and competences. Unfortunately the Europass is not much known and used. At the University, most of the students are not prepared to speak the language of skills and competences. The VAB project aims at proposing a pedagogical tool for teachers/trainers teaching at the University together with an e-training to allow them to integrate non-formal/formal learning of their students/trainees in their global evaluation. Tehey will be able to value the personal, social and professional experience acquired by their students/trainees beyond the University. The VAB project will be based on the transfer of innovation taken from a former Leonardo da Vinci project: Assessing voluntary experience in a professional perspective (VAEB project, The consortium will consist of Universities (relevant in the field of social and human Sciences, human resources, education sciences and e-learning) and experts in lifelong learning in 5 European countries: France (University of Evry Val d'Essonne and Iriv), Austria (DieBerater), Greece (Hellenic Open University, Ireland (University of Limerick) and Slovenia (University of Ljubljana). The main tangible results proposed by the VAB project will be: a pedagogical tool for teachers/trainers including an e-portfolio to be filled by their students, an e-training for teachers/trainers including a virtual tutor, a portal including a social and orientation area, networks of teachers/trainers, students/trainees, councilors in professional orientation. The main intangible results should be: teachers/trainers better trained in the field of human resources (valuing skills and competences of their students/trainees), a better preparation of students for their professional insertion, a stronger link between universities and the labor market.The expected impact of the VAB project is a better preparation of teachers/trainers working at the University to answer the labor market's needs. They will use the same references used by employers : skills and competences and consequently will be able to bridge the gap between theoretical and formal learning (acquired at the University) and practical, non-formal and informal learning (acquired beyond the University).

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