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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

On the background of the project Value+ is the strategy of Valkeakoski Vocational College for years 2014-2017. By this project the youth of Southern Pirkanmaa region are offered high-class international on-the-job training periods according to the targets of the strategy of our college. Along with this, the process of international on-the-job training in Valkeakoski Vocational College is developed and unified, the definition of vocational qualification and the equivalence of degrees is clarified. In general, a more tolerant attitude towards internationalization in the college is one of the desired aspects in this project. During school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 forty international on-the-job training periods and five staff mobilities will be carried out in five different countries (Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Spain) within this project. The basic feature of the participant profile is customer oriented approach. The participant´s study program is not restricted beforehand, but placements will be organized equally for each study program through vast and varied partner network on the basis of actual demand. There is an opportunity for the applicants in the application process to tell what impact the participation would have on their lives and studies. These individual arguments will also be included in the selection criteria. Concurrently with the on-the-job training periods a comparative development work is done with the partners by benchmarking the equivalence of the curriculum of the on-the-job learning period to the educational targets of the partner country. Through this, valuable additional information is attained for reaching targets in international equivalence of different degrees. At a local and regional level of Southern Pirkanmaa, Value+ project aims at increasing young people´s vocational qualification and skills in international context. On the other hand, one of the targets is also to make the international affairs in vocational education better known and increase the number of foreign students in Valkeakoski. Nationally/internationally Valkeakoski Vocational College is, for its part, taking part in development work through Value+ project in order to clarify the comparison process between degrees in different countries. The results of the project will also be utilized when defining competence and acknowledgement of the qualifications in drawing up new curricula.
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6 Partners Participants