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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mission of the Border Guard School (hereafter – BGS) under the State Border Guard Service (hereafter – SBGS) at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania – ensure quality of trainings meeting the requirements for borders protection and armed state defence. BGS pays significant attention and importance to satisfaction of its' customer needs, requirements and exceeded expectations about BGS activities and results, as it is one of main targets of Quality Management System (compatible with the requirements of LST EN ISO 9001:2008 standard) implemented in BGS. Each year BGS carries out research assessing the state of play of training quality and distinguishes the range of activity improvements. Recent researches indicates the need of development of trainees practical skills. The aim of the project – to develop BGS students' competencies of border checks. Project participants – basic level vocational training BGS students, who are trained according to the 3rd educational level Border Guard training curriculum, and pretending to become basic level officers (border guards) at the SBGS. The part of internship carried out in the host organization under the frames of this project will be considered as a part of BGS 2nd course final internship. The rest part of the internship is going to be carried out in the SBGS structural units. It is planned to implement 4 groups BGS students mobility visits in 5 European Union (hereafter – EU) member states (Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Poland and Romania), each visit 3 participants in each country in 2 year period. In total 60 participants. Activities will be carried out according to the agenda agreed between BGS and project partners. In order to ensure successful implementation, the project management group was formed by the head of BGS order. Participants monitoring will be carried out by the appointed persons in host partners organizations, in addition, monitoring visits will be carried out by BGS representatives. The progress and achievements of participants will be assessed by the appointed persons in host partners organizations, after the internship there will be an examination of participants participants skills, moreover, comparative paper essay will be additional measure to evaluate participants. Gained experience will be used in a future work at SBGS, and it will ensure higher external EU border protection level meeting the requirements of Schengen Aquis, national and common EU safety. In addition, participation in the project will allow to improve participants' English language skills and knowledge, will provide a better chance to get a position in one of SBGS border crossing points, also a possibility to participate in EU borders protecting missions, organized by FRONTEX. BGS is expecting that this project will increase participants and their employers satisfaction about preparation for future work at SBGS structural units. By implementing this project BGS is going to contribute to the attitude of FRONTEX regulation, i. e. ability of EU member states border guards to work together, to understand, implement and carry out border check procedures in the same manner. Qualitatively trained personnel will ensure internal and external EU borders safety. BGS is hoping that the dissemination of project will popularize border guard profession in Lithuania, especially will motivate members of Young Border Guard to become BGS students.
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5 Partners Participants