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Valorizing connectivity and sustainable use of resources for successful ecosystem management policies in the Alps (GreenAlps)
Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GreenALPS shapes the framework for a sustainable and efficient European nature and biodiversity conservation policy for the Alps. It relies on two key projects covering essential issues how to best conserve alpine biodiversity (ECONNECT) and how to deal with the huge demand for renewable energy related impacts on nature ( Both projects are linked and deliver(ed) essential outcomes for the future management of alpine natural assets. Nevertheless results are still too sectoral and need further efforts to reach additional key stakeholders & policy makers. A significant reduction of fragmentation of Alpine natural or semi-natural habitats is needed, calling a long-term orientated land use planning, new ways of cooperation and a precautionary approach of other key sectors The successful governance approach of pilot regions beyond protected areas will be reviewed and disseminated at the same time by capitalizing on already ongoing participatory processes in old and new PR. Achievements: During the 1st project phase (Sept-Dec 2013), the management and communication structures of greenAlps were set up. The project’s visual strategy was elaborated and the website went online. The content related work was dedicated to the identification of achievements of previous EU projects, the definition of transnational needs for the pilot areas and the identification on relevant EU policies, programmes on ecosystem-services and land use planning. A database has been started to be developed in which the results of relevant ETC projects are categorized and evaluated with regard to topics of ecological connectivity. All pilot regions (National Park Berchtesgaden, National Park Kalkalpen, Nature Park Pre Alpi Giulie and Triglav National Park) were visited to better understand the knowledge about ecosystem-services and conflicts/problems in the area. Moreover, relevant EU policies and recommendations of several Alpine Space projects were reviewed and a first draft list elaborated.

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  • 61.9%   398 713,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants