Search for European Projects

Valorisation des pratiques professionnelles
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our vocational school has always had the will to open up to the outside world, in particular thanks to the European exchanges (Annex : educational project).The geographical situation of Biganos on the Bay of Arcachon, its growing tourist economic activity as well as the fact that our students are more and more confronted to a foreign public, made us consider the question of foreign languages. And quite naturally, through our educational project, we decided to create an European section in our school. When they start their three-year-training , the pupils have to achieve two work palcements in companies per year. In 2016/2017, the students involved in the European Section will make one of these placements abroad. The stay we are currently preparing will take place in Ireland, during four weeks, in October 2016 for students in their last year in our school (terminale). The placement will last as long as the one achieved by the students who stay in France since they are not part of the European Section. The students (Gestion Administration, Commerce/Vente) have been involved in the European Section for two years. During this third year, they will keep on developing their skills in English. Before achieving their work placement abroad, these tudents have been thaught a specific programme by their English and professional-field teachers including linguistic, cultural and professional notions, to make sure their placement will take place as fine as possible. This project will highlight our students' vocational training as they will be given the oportunity to get the Europass passport. It will also be the occasion to bring out our multidisciplinary team work as well as a good way to focus the attention on the improvement in terms of quality of our school. Indeed, this project makes us strenghten our teamwork skills and exchange with the foreign trainers abroad during the professional training. The follow-up to our students will be monitored by our school teachers who will be on-site during the stay, in close collaboration with our partner with which we decide the placement of trainees. Through this project, we also wish to highlight the educational work done by our teachers both in terms of training and monitoring : a French teacher will always stay on-site to proceed to the follow-up to our students as far as the the work placement and the linguistic training are concerned. They will make sure the changes are correctly operated on if necessary (tasks achieved and demands required for their training for the French diploma). This project will also give a higher European dimension to our school, helping therefore our students in their former professional integration. The work placement will stay four weeks as required by the French guidelines of both Gestion Administration and Commerce/Vente diploma. Our partner offers professional language training (evening classes) during which the key points are studied in the communication field (welcoming the client, phone calls, role plays, drafting of mails, trade and administrative vocabulary) using important educational tools. It will also aim to reassure our students during this real professional immersion. Cultural tours will be organised by our partner. The students will visit the Tralee Museum which shows life during the Middle Ages and traces the story of the Explorer Tom Creen, Cork, Kilarney, Dingle. They will attend a performance of the national folk Irish theatre and spend an evening in a traditional pub. They will also have the opportunity to discover an unusual activity in France: greyhound races.

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