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ValiSkills - Feststellung beruflicher Handlungskompetenzen bei Geringqualifizierten als Zugang zum Berufsabschluss
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A vocational degree is a prerequisite for skilled employment and social participation. Work experienced adults without formal degrees (“low or unskilled” workers) acquired in their employment careers valuable knowledge, skills and experiences that remain largely unconsidered and unproductive. Utilisation of this important resource is of high significance for backing up the economy’s demand for skilled labour. It is a key educational challenge to valorise those applicable competences through recognition (validation) and/ or a degree oriented formal training, tailored to the individual needs. Formally low-skilled adults need efficient training offers that are appropriate to their needs and their situation, take previous learning performance into account and lead to a professional degree. The development of such individual training offers is based on identification and evaluation of their applicable professional competences through reliable methods and procedures. The "ValiSkills" competence assessment procedure serves this purpose. It was developed in a Transfer of Innovation Project ( 2012-14 ) as a web-based procedure at the example of one profession and in the meantime introduced into further training practice ( The follow-up project focuses at an essential extension of application scopes and dissemination prospects. For this purpose, it may rely at already exisiting ValiSkills application experience and the expertise from eight former and present project counties. High quality application of the procedure and its instruments in the work with low qualified people demands therefor qualified staff. The project focuses at the development and allocation of a comprehensive further training curriculum (with teaching and learning materials) for VET experts in competence management. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge for the professional and high quality application of "ValiSkills" and other procedures and experience from the European validation practice. A further project aim is the extension of the range of professions and an improved flexibility of the instruments for opening new application prospects and establishing sustainable conditions for future further developments. Therefore technical and service professions will be made accessible and instruments (ePortfolio) will be designed technically more flexible and user friendly. Characteristics of professions will be analysed and defined in terms of action-oriented competence indicators. A third aim is a transfer the ValiSkills procedure, formally focused at the German further training market, to Poland and an adaptation to the demands of the county. The ValiSkills procedure and the accompanying qualification offer for competence management specialists are based on demands of the further training market. It will be developed for those needs and jointly introduced by the consortium partners into the training market. Training curriculum and ePortfolio will be jointly tested with future applicants. Results will be directly introduced into their daily training activities with low qualified learners.
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