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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are two reasons why we´ve invented the project „In the fairy forest“. We won´t save the nature ourselves but we want to show others that we can do it. We need nature and especially forests around us. Forests, trees, plants and animals mean very much for human. We want they have always been here and we could live healthy in the future. Therefore, we want to create eight groves but not so ordinary. They´ll be fabulous. We could play a drama in the groves or draw some pictures of them and then we can expose the pictures in the gallery. More than ten partners has been signed up to us as a project coordinator. After the mutual communication and the determination of the specific objectives of the project, remained a total of eihgt schools. The Primary School of Jan Holly with the Nursery School Madunice (Slovakia) - the coordinator , SULEYMAN DEMIREL ORTAOKULU ANTALYA (Turkey), Osnovna sola Kosana (Slovenia), Obedineno detsko zavedenie „YANA“ Stara Zagora (Bulgaria), Szkola Podstawowa im. Orlat Lwowskich w Nowinach (Poland), Szendroi Apáczai Csere János Általános Iskola (Hungary), Ukmerge darzelis – lopselis „Eglute“ Ukmergé (Lithuania), PALEKASTRO PRIMARY SCHOOL Sitia (Greece). Two of those schools are pre-school ones, five of them belongs to the primary schools and one school is an entity, which includes pre-school and primary school. Six schools have never been in any project like this before, one school took a part in one project and one school in two projects (coordinator – Socrates, Comenius). The basic stimulus of this project is the nature. It´s a little bit different in any part of the Earth but the problems of civilization are the same everywhere. It´s the international problem and there is a need to solve this problem in each country, individually or collectively. We would try to solve this problem together with the children from different parts of Europe through Erasmus+. We´ve chosen two ways which were adapted to the outputs as well as to the finished products. We want to get to know nature. We would like to create the herbarium, photo documentation of our nature, plant trees and plants which we can see in the herbarium. Then we´ll make some information boards on the way to the Arboretum. We know a lot of people who are closely connected with nature (protectors, hunters, beekeepers) and we want to coooperate more with them. This rational approach to nature we want to balance to other types of outputs. Emotional, creative based on education and the arts. Pupils will be more interested in nature world through the arts, the development of ethical and aesthetic thinking in our project which has an educational role. The pupils will also be interested in balance in nature and in creation of conflict-free state between the necessary modernisation of the times and nature. Therefore, the pupils will draw or paint their own forest in the other products. The gallery of the best works will wander from one school to other to emphasize the coherence and a common problem of all partners. The fine art will be applied in masks and dresses of the pupils at the carnival, in the creation of the bookmarks or in the final newsletter. One-act play will be written by the pupils and their teachers. They´ll practice and then they´ll make a video. All the outputs will be accompained with many cultural evants of the pupils. Active, with the programs of pupils and teachers, as well as passive with the visits of the theatres or cinemas. In today´s world of commercionalism in the arts, however, especially in those where there is a preconditon for long-term and lasting contribution to the young person in relation to the nature and the book. The forest which will still grow for a very long time after the end of the project in each partner schol. We hope that in each child it will leave a sense of good work and good thought about the environment of the future. Our friendship with Europe after this project won´t remain only on paper. It will be transferred to the practical life of school and personal. It has an internatonal impact. It beyonds the ordinary human values and personal approach to many problems of today´s world. Knowledge will be given to pupils by the project. Those infomations which we can find in our curriculum will be enriched with the results of the project. The project will extend knowledge of English. The project may affect the interests, personal development and the next career orientation for pupils. The project of this type leaves lasting friendships between adults and pupils. To this day there are channels of communication, meetings at the binary level between them.

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7 Partners Participants