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Uusi teknologia nonformaalin oppimisen tukena
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project combines three moblitys project of Kouvola Region Vocational College (KSAO): students' mobility, teachers' vetpro and vetpro of KSAO Adult Education Centre. in The frames of the project 69 students will have 4-6 weeks' work-placement period abroad and 30 members of staff will have a job-shadowing period or exchange period abroad. Students form initial and adult education and training come from culture, social and health care, business and administartion, natural resources and technical study fields and exchange period is part of their vocational qulaification studies. Members of staff are teachers and trainers, managers and other staff members of Kouvola Region Vocational College and also people from working life, istructors form students' work places. The projext will continue the work of three earlier projects with the old, qualified an reliable partners' network. There are two new study fields in the project:_aircraft maintenance and safety and security. There are also two new partners: a central organisation of Italian chambers of commerce fro Veneto and a college from North-Spain. The aim of the project is to offer students qualified work placement periods according to the priciples of ECVET. Teacher and trainers will during their exchange discuss and agree about the regonition and validation of learning outcomes. Students' and teachers' mobilities will be carried out at the same time always when possible. The sending and receiving organisations will agree on the mobilities usually by using e-mail, learning outcomes and assesment will be written to the Learning Agreement. All the participants will take part in the on-line linguistic support. Nonformal and informal learning will be regonized via blogs, what students will write during their mobility. The aims for the exchange periods of staff members will be specified and the proceeding will be followed via blogs and reports. Directors and managers, international coordinator and international team will evaluate the proceeding of the project and if needed change make changes to working methods. As results of the project 69 students and 30 staff members have carried out an exchange period in Europe. Quality of the international activities if Kouvola Region Vocational College is improved by using ECVET documents and principles. Partner network is fastened and there are two new members in the network. Every study field of Kouvola Region Vocational College has one European partner. Co-operation between the workplacement companies from different countries has started. European co-operation between companies gives also long term benefits. With the Eruopean network of schools we can help also small companies to build an European network of their own field. Via this co-operation new innvoations and good practises will be transferred from one country to another.
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13 Partners Participants