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Uued väljakutsed Tabasalu Ühisgümnaasiumis
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to support the endeavors of Tabasalu Gymnasium in assuring students with high-quality teaching/studying in an innovative school environment, to retain their will and motivation to study and to develop creativity and learning ability. To manage these ambitions, our teachers need new knowledge in methodology and motivation to learn and develop. Every change begins with an individual and their desire to change. This project enables 10 teachers and other staff to develop themselves and acquire new knowledge in innovative learning environments, for example new IT applications in lessons, the ability to boost students' creativity including games and digital media, understand contemporary students and their needs, improve knowledge about different cultures and educational systems in Europe; take part in school visits; gain knowledge in quality management and ISO 9001; refresh foreign language skills and make reasoned decisions for hardware and software purchasing, as well as being aware of a wider range of IT solutions.The objectives of the project1. to support creating innovative learning environments, 2. to compile an e-magazine of new methodology obtained in the in-service training to spread wider new knowledge3. to implement a strategy of quality management to improve existing self-evaluation systems.4. to support employees’ professional development5. to attract as many teachers as possible into the project’s activities6. to put into practice activities planned in the European dimension plan and IT development plan.During the year attendees participate in the following courses - six teachers in new methodology, one in language, one in quality management and two in innovative technology solutions. They have chosen their topics according to their needs and school development plan. Every project activity is followable with a Google Drive document shared with all teachers of the school where the attendees analyse their needs before choosing the training, and provide the expected result of the training to simplify the analysis of the outcome. After the training attendees give written feedback, and in cooperation with colleagues, plan how to put new methodology into use in our school. These ideas will be collected and compiled into an e-magazine and included on the school’s web-page to inform all interest groups of their experiences.The current project helps us to fulfill actions planned in the school curriculum and development plan.
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