European Projects
Utilizarea strategiilor nonformale si informale..
Utilizarea strategiilor nonformale si informale in educarea adultilor pentru dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale in domeniul turismului si protejarea mediului
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
In the context of the implementation of the provisions of the Europe 2020 Strategy concerning the improvement of the quality, accessibility and availability of the education and training systems by promoting the coherence between the available training systems and labour markets by improving the flexibility channels established among them - our project will implement 16 mobilities for the adult education trainers from our institution in order to develop their skills.
The participants in the project will attend two mobility training internships in the following institutions: KOAN CONSULTING S.L.from Spain (April 2016) and POLARIS S.R.L. from Italy (July 2017), institutions that have expertise in the training of personnel on the use of non-formal and informal strategies in adult education in order to develop entrepreneurial skills in tourism and environmental protection. They will participate in learning activities, courses and training events (seminars, conferences, debates, workshops, practical demonstrations and activities, etc)
The project objectives are:
1) acquiring new skills and competencies by the staff of the institution in the use of non-formal and informal strategies in adult education for the development of entrepreneurial competencies in the field of tourism and environmental protection
2) increasing the competencies of the staff regarding the adult education in the community, enabling them to initiate activities and projects relating to the promotion of tourism and environmental protection;
3) learning and transferring of concrete modalities for the application of European standards in harnessing the natural and cultural heritage and the promotion of economic and social development of the community;
4) improving the staff's skills in ICT in order to educate the adults and create necessary the promoting tools for tourist activities and environmental protection.
In the first stage of the mobility, participants will carry out theoretical activities (seminars, debates, workshops) and also practical activities (technical visits, meetings with experts, writing materials, practical demonstrations) to learn about :sustainable forms of tourism, exploitation of local cultural heritage in tourism activity for sustainable development, the management of tourist activities, the factors involved in tourism, the standards of quality and efficiency in tourism, the impact of socio-cultural and economic activities of travel and leisure, general principles, strategies and forms of promotion of the tourist activities and objectives,designing plans for promotion and communication for businesses and tourist units,how to make awareness plans to promote tourist attractions using IT, marketing plans for destinations, businesses and tourist units,criteria for assessing the feasibility of a business in tourism, etc.
In the second stream of mobility, participants will develop their learning activities concerning: the importance of protecting the environment in nowdays conditions,the environmental factors and their role in economic and environmental challenges,the conditions/criteria required for supporting the economic activity and a healthy environment,the renewable energy,eco-economic activities,assessing the impact of economic and touristic activities on the environment,solutions for a quick development of tourism in sensitive areas and/or with natural value,the role of natural resources as a means of environmental education and the maintenance of a healthy environment,the ways to establish a series of management systems for ecological activities,marketing plans for various economic, agricultural and tourist activities.
The methods used in the project will be actively participative: debates, brainstorming , case studies , simulation .
The main results of the project will be:
-the obvious improvement of the staff skills concerning the non-formal and informal adult education
-the development of entrepreneurial skills in tourism and environmental protection, in the use of English language and ICT, in the efficient management of intercultural communication and also in creating materials such as a guide, a poster, brochure, flyers.
The impact of the project will be in short term that the participants will gain new skills in using the non-formal and informal strategies to develop entrepreneurial competences in tourism and protecting the environment, they will develop their IT skills, language knowledge
The impact for medium and long term will be to enable themselves in finding ways to increase the quality of education for the adult trainees they prepare, helping them to raise the level of the training at European standards and adapt to constantly changing labour markets and, moreover, develop entrepreneurial spirit through initiating activities in order to sustain the local and regional heritage,to develop a touristic activity or to protect the environment by accesing European funds.