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Усъвършенстване на професионалните умения чрез мобилност
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Professional skills` improvement through mobility" is orientated at enhancing the professional competences through practice of young people undergoing basic vocational training in the field of Hotel, restaurant and catering students at Vocational School of Tourism As. Zlatarov–Varna, Vocational School Prof. d-r As. Zlatarov-Vidin and Vocational School of Tourism Al. Paskalev–HaskovoThe target group is students at risk of dropping out of school with educational and economic difficulties and cultural differences (ethnic minorities) aged 16-19 years. The project will be implemented within one year of the national consortium in partnership with the host organization FORMACIÓN EUROPEA, PRÁCTICA, MOVILIDAD, ESPAÑA. The mobility practices will be implemented in 3 streams of 15 users each in the period June-September 2017 in Puerto de la CruzAt the moment Bulgaria needs trained executives in the field of tourist services, with qualifications, according to the European standards. The project is aimed at improving the quality and increasing the number of people in Europe undergoing basic vocational training so they can get acquainted with the European experience in the field of tourist services, to expand and improve their professional competences and to use them in their future workThe project objectives are directly related to the objectives of the European program "Erasmus +" and are aimed at building strong partnerships between the education and business, encourage of the European values, supporting the training activities of the beneficiaries to expand and enrich their knowledge and skills; improving the quality, innovation and attractiveness of the vocational education and training for young people at risk, raising the knowledge of the European area of lifelong learning; dissemination of good practices; improving language learning and intercultural understandingThe specific objectives of the project are:•To provide disadvantaged youths support for the acquisition of competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in order to improve their personal development and employability of European labor market•To develop and implement a working model for successful social integration of students in risk of dropping out of school by motivating and skills training for employment and digital skills•To develop good transnational VET practice for youth at risk by providing flexible training models, introduction of new teaching methods and transfer of credits by implementing the elements of the ECVETActivities for the implementation of the mobility:Selection of 3 groups of 19 beneficiaries from the target group for PLC on certain criteria, of which 45 (3x15) beneficiaries will be selected for participation in the mobility in Spain, after examinationsThe preparation includes: information about the project; the selection of beneficiaries (selection procedure); establishing agreements with partners and beneficiaries, linguistic, intercultural and thematic vocational training, skills for employment and digital skills; implementation of the mobility-transborder practice in Spanish companies; providing work placements for the practice, work program, mentors in in the companies, support of the beneficiaries to adapt to the new social and professional environment; dissemination and usage of the project resultsExpected results:•Mastered European quality standards for work in a kitchen and serving the guests•Gained practical experience on technologies for processing fish, fish products and seafood, preparing and serving typical Spanish and Canarias dishes•Improved foreign language skills of the beneficiaries•Increased understanding and knowledge of the beneficiaries of other cultures and countries•Motivating young people to participate actively in the society and developing a sense of European citizenship and identity•Increasing the capacity and the international dimension of the partners in VET, development and coordination of forms for validation of competences, acquired during mobilityThe methods for the implementation of the project activities include: linguistic, cultural and pedagogical training preparation, mentoring, monitoring, supervision, validation of the mobility results by using ECVET, analysis, observation, evaluation and self-assessment, questionnaires, discussions, information campaign for parents and students, media campaignThe potential long-term benefits from the implementation of the project are: the members of the national consortium to improve the quality of the professional education they offer, by developing the skills and the competencies of the students, according to the requirements of the tourism business, to expand their experience in various aspects of cross-border cooperation, to enrich their practices in working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, to stimulate the equality and inclusion, providing easier access to their participation in transnational projects
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