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Усвояването на ключови умения - гаранция за успешна трудова кариера
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Technical Vocational High School "Stamen Penchev" students are trained in specialties: motor transport equipment, Machine Tools and Telecommunications. Main place in the strategy of high school loan quality professional training of students. The success of our strategy depends on the qualification of teachers and students' motivation to acquire skills that enable them to be competitive in the labor market. Bearing all this in mind when developing the draft we set specific objectives: - attractive educational system - including a non-traditional forms of practical training to give students a reason to stay in education;upgrade knowledge and skills professionally, creating key competencies that lead to personal development and employability on the European labor market of students; encourage language learning and the ability of participants in mobility social networking, raising awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries of the participants; creation of permanent international partnerships and ability students develop a sense of European citizenship and identity ,increased motivation to participate in the next / after mobility / formal or informal training abroad citizenship; support the professional development of teachers involved in the training, so that they are able to improve their quality of teaching; useful synergy and exchange of experience in the transition from vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship; The project includes two types of activities: Mobility of students and staff mobility. Group of trainees in initial vocational training consists of 40 students who will conduct practice in technical secondary school in Bratislava, Slovakia and Technical College in Bucharest, Romania. The students are from 10, 11 and 12 class specialties motor transport equipment, machine tools and Telecommunications. They will hold a three-week mobility and will be accompanied by four teachers in practice. Both host schools have an excellent education - factory, dormitories, where students will be able to accommodate. Students will be trained according to a preliminary curriculum. For the performance of their tasks during the practical exercises will take care mentor from the partner organization. In her free time, the students will perform cultural program. In staff mobility included nine teachers theoretical and practical training . Needs of teachers aimed at exchanging experiences with their colleagues at work with modern machines and technologies, introduction to curricula in various disciplines, the relationship with the business practice of using new approaches to learning. Teachers would be put specific tasks which they, together with their colleagues will work. All participants will be held prior language training. Students will go additional educational cultural training. All participants will receive full logistical support. The expected results of mobility are: - Students improve their professional qualifications, to gain independence and self-confidence, improve their language competence, to be informed about European values, to adapt to European conditions and to enrich their cultural worldview. - Teachers to improve their skills related to their professional profiles, to improve their quality of work, to show more understanding and responsive to the social, cultural and linguistic diversity of students; have more opportunities for career development, increase motivation and satisfaction from their daily work. Management team have a broad understanding of practices, policies in vocational education, the relationship with the business. Previous experience shows that the effect of mobility is huge. Students completing 12 class have the confidence to be placed on the labor market. Most of them will not be able to travel abroad again, but their children will grow up with the story of Europe and when they grow up will bravely set off. In the long term the school will have, as a school, offering opportunities for activities and programs that meet the needs of students.

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