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Усвояване на европейски практики за дуалната система на професионално обучение
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Eduo project is implemented in partnership with the Associazione Imprenditando between Vocational School "Nikolay Haytov" Varna and Associazione Imprenditando in Milan, Lombardy region, Italy. PGGSD "N.Haytov" is a public organization with extensive experience in vocational education and Associazione Imprenditando is a non-profit organization. PGGSD "N.Haytov" has extensive experience in training in professional fields such as woodworking, forestry, hunting and gardening. The partner is an association that promotes a spirit of mutual cooperation and support for a better use of financial and human resources. It is also a link between training organizations and businesses, and training. The project suggests a ten-day exchange of experience for 10 teachers from PGGSD'N.Haytov" who are going to study and learn the Italian experience related to the dual educational system. There will be organized meetings, debates, seminars with teachers and employers from the Lombardy Region, who will pass on their knowledge and experience. The main goal is to acquire the dual system of training, distribution of schooling time, control activities, transfer of credits. The theme of the project is subject to the general context of the European Commission for lifelong learning, the National Strategy of development of vocational education and is important for users because they have no experience in this type of training. The main objectives are: 1. To build professional skills and competencies of users through access to European trends for the organization of dual training and ECVET partnership 2. To familiarize users both with the Italian experience and good practices in this direction and the European standards; 3. To broaden personal competencies of the users, their language skills, ability to work in a team and ability to work in a multicultural environment. The exchange of that experience will take place in April 2016 in Italy, Lombardy Region. The main activities are: the selection of beneficiaries, preparation, study of businesses to accept trainees in the dual system of training, exchange of experience on peer organization, producing exemplary educational documentation, curricula, ECVET, using the experience of the Italian partner Associazione Imprenditando. Education of teachers in the school and getting them acquainted with the experience of Italy in the dual training and education. Implementing new experiences and documents in the development of curricula and programs at national level, as well as the introduction of the dual system of training in PGGSD "N.Haytov". Dissemination of results of mobility through the media, offering the developed products to MES, NAVET and to other vocational schools, seminars and teacher training PGGSD who want to apply this form of training in their future work. During their stay in Italy there will be meetings with the employers, in order to study the involvement of employers in the development of curricula and the way of control of apprenticeship, development of ECVET and a memorandum of cooperation between the two organizations to exchange students and practices. The main activities during the training are seminars, discussions, debates, visits, observation. This is the summary of the project. EDUO is a sort of an abbreviation of a dual education. I liked it and wrote it this way. The main expected results are adaptation of the participants to the new requirements for vocational education by upgrading the professional skills; use of the experience acquired in Associazione Imprenditando and the visited schools to develop training documentation, organization, rules and procedures of the learning process in a dual system in PGGSD "N.Haytov" shape of model curricula, ECVET; further development of personal qualities of the users such as flexibility, ability to team-work in a multicultural environment, acquisition of professional terminology, improving communication skills with people with different education, acquisition of more confidence in introduction of the dual training in the vocational school and ECVET partnership. In long terms, in the vocational school there will be highly-trained and motivated teachers, who will have already introduced the dual system of training in partnership with business. There will be an improved quality of vocational education in response to the European requirements and standards. Another main goal is to reduce the rates of youth unemployment.

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