The goal of the project is to help teachers and children effectively use an alternativeinstructional medium for learning about literacy and scientific concepts by writing,designing, and publishing original web comic books. Web Comics is a plurimediaversion of the printed comic books. Web comics can be interactive means for studyingas well as for self-assessment.The EduComic project places children in the role of creators, rather than merelyreceivers of information. Children write and draw about their personal experiences andinterests, thereby engaging them in the learning process and motivating them tosucceed. The point of the project is not to drop a web comic book on a child’s desk andsay: “read this.” Rather, the project will train teachers in order that they design learningscenarios where students will have the opportunity to draw upon stories that they thenrevise, publish and share with others in their communities.The project consortium is not suggesting that educational web comic books shouldsubstitute for traditional books or for standard reading and composition lessons.Teachers will be trained to exploit this instructional medium that clearly is appealing toyoung minds.The project will collect and publish best practices (in terms of educational comic bookson various subjects such as literacy, language learning, science education, authoringtools as well as effective learning strategies and lesson plans). It will also create trainingmaterial for teachers and organise seminars for teachers in Greece, Cyprus, Italy andSpain in order that they become better able to exploit this medium. These teachers willapply strategies and lesson plans to their schools in order that we gather evidence ofwhat works, why and under which conditions. Findings from a systematic evaluationstudy of the pilot cases in schools will be used for revising and improving the firstversion of the material created for the need of the training seminars (in 4 languages).Finally, the project consortium will make efforts in disseminating the project’s findingsand spread the idea of using web comic books to urban and rural schools acrossEurope. Various dissemination strategies will be used such as the establishment of anonline community about the educational comics for the school community. Theconsortium is comprised of partners with great experience in language learning, scienceeducation, and e-learning environments. Partners will benefit from their links in order tocome up with a plan for the sustainability and exploitation of the project results.
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