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USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES. Wykorzystywanie mobilnych technologii.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Six teachers from 6 High School in Bialystok were the participants of the mobility in the project entitled Using Mobile Technologies. The hosting institution was York Associates -a school with its good experience offering a wide range of specialistic courses for those teachers who want to broaden their knowledge of ICT, new methodologies, and using new applications at classroom and beyond. The first group consisting of four teachers went to York, England from 26.07.2015 to 01.08.2015, whereas the other two teachers went on the course from 16.08. 2015 to 22.08.2015, which intensified the exchange of good practices between the participants. The project was the response for the existing demand to give a supplementary training for the teachers of our school in terms of ICT. Making Use of Mobile Technologies was a training course for those teachers who work with secondary school students. The main purpose of the course was to get known the participants with possibilities of m-learning so called mobile learning as well as teaching them how to use and implement the new innovative technologies connected with ICT. Its long term result is the improvement of the quality of teaching in our school. The new methodologies activating the processes of teaching were used during the realization of the project based on Information Technologies. The programme of the course comprised 30 hours of practical training in the range of using and applying mobile devices. The program of the training course comprised the following subjects: -how to implement m-learning into the whole process of teaching, -how to take advantage of educational applications on mobile devices, -how to create and run blogs, -podcasting and its usage online, -downloading and editing of video clips, - subtitling, -creating mindmaps, -using video and DVD, -the possibilities of m-learning, -how to help students by means of mobile devices, -using the Internet sources, -mobile learnig in classroom and beyond. The training ended with the evaluation and the work over a chosen tool which could be later used in teaching. The participants obtained the Certificate of the hosting institution- York Associates and Europass Mobility document which both confirmed completion of the course. The aim of the training was to raise the professional qualifications by the participants due to the fact that they gained the workshop experience abroad, improved language skills in terms of specialistic vocabulary of ICT, and broadened their horizons. Another goal of our action in PO WER programme is a constant strenthening of European dimention of education by promoting international cooperation as well as the improvement in quality and quantity of schools partnerships and mobilities performed by teachers and students from different countries. The participation in Action 1 was the first essential step in putting our European development plan into practice. The teachers had the possibility of mutual learning, the exchange of good practice, and developing international cooperation strategies. After performing all the mobilities, on 31.08.2015 there was The Team for Projects and International Exchanges formally established in 6 High School involving the teachers responsible for conveying and sharing the knowledge of the training course. The results of our actions are also publications of the products on the school's website, experiences exchange connected with using ICT on local and regional ground by means of social media, meetings. The participants establihed cooperation and fulfil the project entiteled "Slow down, Move your body, Improve your life, Enjoy school time SMILE" in action 2- Strategic Partnerships with the following countries: Italy, Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Poland and the eTwinning project " Crossing Boarders" with the same partners. The teachers acquired the practical skills as for using mobile technologies which made the educational processes much better organised at our school, and they cooperate well in the team and beyond. The teachers shape students attitudes using their based on content skills as well as interpersonal and communicational skills. We share the knowledge in terms of fulfilling European projects with other partner schools and promote the possibilities and advantages of PO WER program.

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