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Using local resources for microregional development - sustainable agribusiness and tourism in the southern Balkans
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

The project aims to establishes new modular multiple degrees between Macedonian,Albanian,Kosovar,a Hungarian and an Italian university in the field of sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural development and sustainable tourism and rural development.For this creates the condition for new teaching methods to be introduced in the newly created model farm ,ecological park, local micro meteorological station and science laboratories which are going to be equipped with basic tools and instruments. The students will also learn by doing farming and experimental activities outdoor and in the laboratories and acquire vehicle driving, language skills. The project besides this tackles the environmental threats Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania faces by developing a forest fire prevention and control plan which is going to be implemented using a permannent monitoring system. The project also addresses education of the farming community, the agribusiness and tourism entreprises and service providers, and the public of the three countries for developing environmental awareness and promote the idea of sustainable farming and forestry under EU standards, Macedonia being also a candidate country. This way aims to reach every settlement from Macedonia ,Albania and Kosovo and beyond, by the dissemination of the results in an international conference, through the use of mass media. The project wants to draw public attention on the neglected and underdeveloped sectors of agribusiness and tourism by showing that such activities can be profitable, lucrative and can reduce unemployment. The project adresses the policymakers and the other stakeholders from the wider region and helps prepare Macedonia fulfilling the most difficult requirements in the EU accesion road: that of environmental and agricultural issues, which would be valid for Albania and Kosovo a bit later, so the sooner they start the better would be. The introduction of up-to-date teaching materials and starting a broad cooperation with 8 universities from the EU and 6 universities from the PCs, 2 research institutions from the EU and PC, 2 associations of public authorities and 3 entreprises from Macedonia ,Kosovo and Albania will contribute to placing the Macedonian,Kosovar and Albanian higher education in this field, on European levels. In the same time solves regional issues by creating the conditions for higher education in these fields in Albanian language in Macedonia, which will enhance the economic outlooks for the domestic as well the regional economy.
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