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Using ECVET for Agricultural Program
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The partnership of this project created and adopted ECVET system among partner schools for the one education program - Farming (Agricultural Education), which helps students to move easily for practice period among these countries and gain different experience and knowledge. The partners of this project were vocational education schools from Lithuania, Norway, Finland and Germany having in their education program Agriculture (Farming) for many years. In all partner countries ECVET system is a new thing. We prepared the same evaluation system of FARMING TEACHING PROGRAM. ECVET for Farming teaching and training program improves the possibilities for recognition of learning outcomes and thus to enable people to build on what they have learned abroad, in a different education and training institution or in different situation. We took the most relevant topics from Agricultural program and prepared its descriptions: what basic abilities must students have, what knowledge, skills, competencies should he obtained and the criterions and indicators of competence evaluation. Also we added the evaluation table description suitable for Lithuania, German, Norway and Finland. We made it for these 24 modulus: Vegetable growing module; Chosen plant-growing technologies module; Methods of grassland production and field fodder module; Growing bioenergetic plants: Maize production module; Milk production (robotmilking) module; Cattle milking and caretaking module; Feeding cows module; Sheep care and welfare module; Horse care and welfare module; Basics of technical service of agricultural machines modules;Mechanized soil technology module; Agricultural machinery management module; Garden plants growing technologies module;Growing meat production animals (beef cattle) module; Medicinal plants and herbs growing module; Stored plant products module; Greenhouse flower production module; Utilisation of automation in agriculture module; Fur farming: fox module;Small scaled production: fish module; Small scaled production: meet; Pig welfare module; Pig breeding module;Utilisation of forest module. All descriptions were prepared in English language and project partners' languages. USing ECVET helps to implement high quality mobility exchanges. Lithuania, Norway and Finlad's schools take part in mobilities and send students to each other for several years to get experience in Farming in each other schools as some things are better in one school, some in other school. Germany school joins us with mobilities too and it has the biggest experience with ECVET system. All partner schools created ECVET modulus description and evaluation system for farming program that students could easily move among these countries and their experience abroad would be approved and counted into their education process with the help of prepared ECVET among these partners. The prepared ECVET for Farming program can be adopted and used by all European schools having Agricultural program.
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3 Partners Participants