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Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to improve the social and economic sustainability of partner areas by fully exploiting their potential as year round event venues, hence creating more continuous employment in their areas. The potential to diversify the use of venues in the northern periphery area (especially winter sports resorts) is tremendous as winter sport resorts are largely empty during the summer months, rendering expensive infrastructure unused. This means that diversification is essential in order to create better economic conditions and more sustainable employment that will lead to more young people staying in the area. The Usevenue project aims to facilitate this through the dissemination of event ideas that already have strong foundations in areas throughout the NPP, but as yet have not been exploited across borders. This will also help fulfil the potential of venues, which are largely underused, and thereby improve their economic sustainability. Expected Results: · Transfer both event knowledge and the events themselves between Northern Periphery settlements · Create event and venue networks across the NPP · Link web sites of events in partner areas, hence build on already popular web sites · Transfer sponsorships and derive economies of scale where possible, thus reducing the costs of running a one off event. · Extend the season for which event areas are used · Increase training and labour market opportunities associated with events, as well as the opportunities for local suppliers to serve a trapped market · Reduce the need to import seasonal labour · Promote the heritage of partner areas and create reputations in line with the visions of each respective partner
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  • 57.8%   587 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants