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Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The most favourable habitats for amphibian and reptile species in the Gravina area have been modified over the time by human activities such as: the restoration of wetland areas for conversion to agricultural land; the felling of plains woods, also to clear land for agriculture; the pollution of surface and groundwater through the use of biocides in agriculture; the elimination from the agricultural landscape of the once common marginal vegetation strips along watercourses; the isolation of amphibian and reptile populations, which has caused inbreeding; the modification of water management measures, which is causing alternately drought and floods, with heavy consequences on the water pools that host amphibian and reptile species. Furthermore, the lack of adequate knowledge of the target species is also considered to be a threat. Objectives The aim of the project is to guarantee the survival and achieve an increase in the population of some species of amphibians and reptiles in the Gravina di Matera Natura 2000 network site. The project actions will be carried out in one of the most important Italian sites for the following species: Elaphe situla, Triturus carnifex, Triturus vulgaris and Bombina pachypus. The site is also important at the European level because the above-mentioned species populations are found mainly in southern Italy. At the regional level (as far as Apulia and Basilicata Regions are concerned), the site is a strategic area for the conservation of Elaphe quatuorlineata. Expected results: Restoration of 21 ha of habitat 92 A0; Restoration of 2 ha of small wetlands; Restoration of two water bodies; Creation of 8 km hedgerows; Creation of 2 km of drystone wall; Planting of 100 000 local tree species (Populus alba, Salix alba, Ulmus minor, Pyrus amygdaliformis) to be used for forestry actions foreseen by the project; An increase in the population of the following amphibian and reptile species with the release (from the breeding centre) of: 2 000 Bombina pachypus tadpoles; 5 000 Hyla intermedia tadpoles; 1 500 Triturus carnifex tadpoles; 1 500 Triturus vulgaris tadpoles; and 200 specimens of Testudo hermanni.
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