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Urban Participation and Focus on Reusing Waste and Recycling Development of Communications (UP&FORWARD COMS)
Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background In moving towards a European society based on the principles of waste prevention, reuse and recycling, a two-pronged approach is required. The first is to provide EU citizens with the services, infrastructure, products and knowledge that will enable them to act. The second is to engage EU citizens to make changes to their lifestyles that will reduce consumption, and to encourage them to sort waste for reuse and recycling. To achieve these goals, the public, government and business must all play their part, which will only happen if the demand is driven by the general public. Therefore, public participation is key to both implementing and driving forward the principles of the waste hierarchy. Public participation varies greatly on a geographical basis, with higher levels of recycling and waste prevention in some areas than in others. There are huge variations in recycling levels across Europe and large variations within countries. In the UK, areas characterised by high-to-middle income and low-density housing are currently achieving high levels of recycling (up to 70%), whereas densely populated urban areas, are achieving much lower levels, often less than one-third of the levels achieved by their suburban counterparts. Approximately 50% of the EU27 population lives in densely populated areas (Eurostat, 2010), so engaging with these citizens is vital to the implementation of the principles of the waste hierarchy. Objectives The project will demonstrate how waste policy can be more effectively implemented by municipalities through changing behaviour using targeted communications in specific low-performing areas identified by waste collection data and local demographic statistics. The project will help the EU understand how to evaluate, monitor and develop policies that can only be delivered by active engagement with the public. Specifically, the project will demonstrate the innovative use of communications media and processes to increase participation in waste prevention and recycling in deprived urban areas, in communities with a high proportion of youth, transient and student residents, and in communities with a high proportion of people from different cultures. The project will also target communications at individuals living in apartment blocks, and will develop employment and education opportunities. Communications campaigns will be targeted at some 66 000 households in the Greater Manchester area. Expected results: The project will demonstrate a model process for waste-related engagement in low-performing urban areas. This will lead to increased participation, with the aim being to at least halve the gap between the waste management performance of low and high performing areas. The project will demonstrate that positive changes in attitudes can be achieved, and practices in relation to waste prevention and recycling behaviour can be changed. This will be done through demonstration of use of various communications media: phone applications, software, computer games and broadcasts. The project will also provide opportunities for young people to gain employment and training in community engagement and media.
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