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The general objective of the project is to prepare a management and conservation plan of the protected area of Škocjan Caves Park and to put cooperation in place with other protected areas (Park prirode Ucka, Croatia). To achieve this, it will be necessary, through the exchange of best practices of nature protection, to develop principles of sustainable management and raise national awareness of the necessary co-habitation of man and nature. Achievements: A management plan was prepared for the  kocjan Caves Park and its wider transition area; the area of Vremácica, measuring 9,265 km2, was mapped and its natural valuable features were investigated; a plan of research and monitoring of selected animals, plants and habitat types in the Karst Biosphere Reserve (KBR) was drafted. In cooperation with cross-border partners, several brochures were published. Cooperation with the Park´s international Network of Schools was strengthened, in particular with Park Ucka, which had been established within the framework of the project. The activities that were carried out during implementation of the project gave an impetus to the sharing of good practices among cross-border partners in a variety of areas, such as the management of protected areas, the safeguarding of natural features and cultural heritage, development ofprinciples of sustainable management, educational activities, communication strategies and cooperation with the local population. Next year, Park Ucka intends to follow the example of  kocjan Caves Park and is already preparing its candidature for inclusion in the relevant lists of natural heritage under international conventions the MAB programme. The activities carried out have contributed to encourage eco and educational tourism as an environmentally friendly industry with the cross-border partner.
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  • 75.1%   64 020,86
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

2 Partners Participants