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Upgrade of Healthcare Services Provision. Best Practices, Extroversion and Knowledge Diffusion (LiN-ACCESS)
Start date: Dec 29, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is on the one hand to increase the standard of living for the cross-border population by promoting sustainable local development in the context of medical equipment upgrade for the Ioannina University Hospital and on the other to transfer know how, share best practices and diffuse knowledge in the field of Radiotherapy to the Albanian partners.The project focuses on the procurement of such high-end technology medical equipment that will provide added value to the Hospital's operations. It is important to stress out that the University Hospital of Ioannina Radiotherapy Department covers the needs of approximately 500.000 people in the cross-border area. The challenges to be addressed are the fatigue and life-cycle-end of cutting-edge medical equipment of the UHI that could potentially lead to degradation of healthcare services provided to local population and the limited or no access at all, for Albanian population to Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine services. Expected Results: 1.) Procurement and installation of one (1) Linear Accelerator double energy (photons-electrons) for the UHI Radiotherapy Department. The machine will be used for treatment of patients with cancer by external radiotherapy (electromagnetic wave) delivery. 2) Procurement and installation of one (1) SPECT CT double head γ' camera for the UHI Nuclear Medicine Department. SPECT/CT is the abbreviation of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography/Computed Tomography. The machine is a nuclear medicine device that uses radioisotopes for the conduction of tomographic imaging. SPECT/CT can be used to complement any gamma imaging study, where a true 3D representation can be helpful, e.g., tumor imaging, infection (leukocyte) imaging, thyroid imaging or bone scintigraphy. 3) Procurement and installation of one (1) Fluoroscopy System for the UHI medical imaging department. Fluoroscopy is a real-time X-RAY imaging technique used in numerous cases of medical examination 4) Procurement of one (1) perfussion system for the UHI Cardio-Thorax Operating Room. The machine is imperative in Cardio-Thorax Operations because it circulates the patient's blood during Operation, it is therefore considered as life-support equipment. 5) Procurement and installation of one (1) Digital Radiology System (DR) for the UHI medical Imaging Department. The installation of this machine is an important upgrade of critical medical equipment that maximizes the Cross-Border impact of the whole project given that it will cover the gradually increasing needs for X-Ray exams (approx. 200 patients per day) of patients coming from both sides of the borders, and safeguards the uninterrupted operation of the Radiology Department at least for the next 15 years

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  • 75%   2 460 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Albania IPA CBC (EL-AL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants