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United by diversity - Management policies of cultural and linguistic diversity in Switzerland and Canada : Two reference laboratories for European Union? (UNITED BY DIVER-FRI)
Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This project is a continuation of my previous doctoral research into multiculturalism and national identity in Canada, Quebec and France using a comparative perspective. The project goal will be the acquisition of additional skills in the field of political anthropology, and the continuation of my research in order to prepare an Accreditation to supervise research. The implementation of this project requires a period of mobility at the University of Freiburg and my integration within the Department of Political Anthropology where Professor Christian Giordano is committed to supervise my research.Canada and Switzerland are two federations characterized by cultural and linguistic diversity. In both cases, the recognition of this diversity is one of the cornerstones of collective identity. Their respective Constitutions state that one of the primary objectives is the promotion of diversity on their territories. I have chosen to use the phrase: ""united in diversity"" in order to describe these countries which share the same institutional paradigm: the diversity of cultures and languages is an asset to be preserved.The objective of this research is to compare the political management of cultural and linguistic diversity in Canada and Switzerland at the federal and local levels. To do this, we will rely on an analysis of constitutional provisions in legislation and jurisprudence, published sociological and historical analyzes on this subject, as well as some targeted interviews. The term ""consociation"" (Walzer, 1997) used to describe these political regimes characterized by the coexistence of different cultural and linguistic communities within a territory will be preferred to that of a multinational federation, the use of which is more controversial. This comparative analysis will lead to a broader discussion on the status of the European Union today: a union of nation states or a new form of consociation?"

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