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Unified mesoscale to wind turbine wake downscaling based on an open-source model chain (MESOWAKE)
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of MESOWAKE is is to contribute to the development of an open-source model chain that can bridge the gap between mesoscale meteorological processes and microscale wind farm models. Special focus will be given to the interfacing between mesoscale and microscale CFD models both based on large-eddy simulation treatment of the atmospheric boundary layer. Case studies will be based on the complex terrain aspects of the test sites of NREL and CENER as well as from industrial associate partners. The unified model will be installed and commissioned at the MareNostrum supercomputer in Barcelona (Spain) and freely distributed trough the model evaluation platform. A strategic plan for the development of wind energy meteorology applications based on open-source models will be jointly formulated by NREL and CENER. A Memorandum of Understanding will establish a long-term collaboration framework that guarantees the continuity of the activity beyond the duration of the project.
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