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Unification in diversity: practicing European Citizenship from the ground up.
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There is no doubt that the EU prides itself on this "unification in diversity", peacefully coexisting despite the different political and social situations of each country. With the increasing internationalisation of the world and politics, being aware of what is "to be European" is undeniably on the rise. For many, learning another culture is not necessary, it is an interesting, enriching and exciting experience.This issue is very closely linked to the previous experience of our organisations. With this 10 days youth exchange we aim to deepen our experience by developing attitudes and skills of young people and peer leaders for improving European citizenship recognition and also by exploring and understanding experiential learning and outdoor education methodology as an approach for European citizenship recognition.This youth exchange will bring together 14 young people and 2 group leaders from the UK, Italy, Latvia, and Estonia, motivated to improve their skills in citizenship recognition, ready to learn from their own experience and act as multipliers after it. Their careful selection is one of the main aspects of this YE to be taken care of by all the partner organizations. Our participants will meet the following general criteria: willingness to learn and share; ability to speak and understand English; open-mindedness and openness to learn new things; positive attitude; commitment to implement the obtained knowledge and skills in practice back home; commitment to actively participate in all stages of the project.The exchange is planned to take place in Catania, Sicily. The project methodology will be based on non-formal methods of education and Inter Cultural Learning methodology. We are intending to use the following methodology during the exchange: outdoor workshops, presentations, facilitated exchange of experiences and best practices. Methods of facilitation will be selected by the preparatory team from the SALTO online toolbox. The exchange will include the full range of non-formal educational methods, starting with a block on team building and icebreaking where the atmosphere and group spirit will be formed and the continuation of the project consists of balanced set of inputs on various aspects of communication, information and Inter Cultural Learning. The exchange will be finalized by blocks on Erasmus+ programme, some follow-up and future partnership planning and evaluation. During the exchange a special group will also work on the systematization of the findings and tools developed during the project to provide information for the web platform.The core of this project is the idea that the impact of the activity and its results are not only for the participants but they must be transferred to the local communities and to the other members of the organizations and structures partnering in this international projects. The programme of the exchange will let participants try out the skills and competences build during the project right on the spot and participate in their debriefing.European dimension of the project will be developed by all the partners together, as they intend to extend such projects among young people of multinational communities, basing on interlinked educational activities. Non-formal educational means will be taken from the on-line SALTO Toolbox and Booklets and adapted for goals of the exchange. This will be done to raise young people’s awareness of European problems and to show how these young people may participate in creating new, united Europe.It is expected that the young people and youth leaders will return to their youth groups and organisations with increased confidence. After the youth exchange is over we also expect that new projects and teams will be initiated and formed. The participants will be given records of what was done within the exchange to spread this information in their local groups and communities by making presentations and organizing workshops.

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3 Partners Participants