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Ungdommens Folkemøde
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Denmark the polarization between Danish young people and decision makers is increasingly growing. This means that policy decisions with out taking base in the people they affect. Therefore, Den Økologiske Produktionsskole (EcoPro) via a series of workshops (A4-A18) and a youth conference (A1) led to focus on the relationship between young people in Denmark and decision makers. The Conference "Ungdommens Folkemøde" (A1) which took place in April 2015 in Nørrebro in Copenhagen, was designed precisely to facilitate dialogue between the two groups. The conference led to concrete policy proposals. The goal was to promote active citizenship and mutual understanding among young people and decision makers with the purpose of reducing the polarization between the two groups. Prior to "Ungdommens Folkemødet" (A1) we held a series of workshops with the aim of a) preparing young people to understand the political system, so as to give them the tools, how they can influence the political agenda and b) give young people the opportunity to be involved in the organization of a political event. The participants developed a number of specific policy proposals which they wanted to debate with decision makers at "Ungdommens Folkemøde" (A1). Folkemødet was held April 30, 2015 at the Den Økologiske Produktionsskoles satellite project, Kulturcoach. 200 young people and decision makers participated. The conference began with a reverse panel discussion, where six young people from the Den Økologiske Produktionsskole were the experts that policy makers could ask questions. The panel discussion was facilitated by journalist Lene Byriel who in addition to working with communications have worked with (exposed) young people over many years. After the panel discussion participants; young people from different production schools, primary schools, decision makers and UU-mentors (youth counselors) was divided into groups, where they discussed bullet points from the panel discussion. Each group had to produce concrete proposal for how to sharpen the dialogue between young people and decision-makers. Ungdommens Folkemøde was intended to create a structured dialogue between young people and decision-makers in Denmark and to enabe young people understanding how they can make a difference in society by engaging in the political landscape. It is expected that this dialogue enables young people to help make a difference for the Danish society, and promoting citizenship and political engagement. In the long term it is expected that people meeting promotes local, European and global responsibility among young people and that young people and decision-makers have more understanding for each other and their positions in society. As part of giving young people the opportunity to get acquainted with the local political sphere and to be in direct contact with decision-makers Den Økologiske Produktionsskole have also been involved in a Youth Conference,(A2) organized by Nørrebro Lokaludvalg (local political commitee), which took place on May 8 at Nørrebro in Copenhagen. It brought together about 200 young people from different schools in the local area. The conference aimed at creationg a dialogue between young people and decision makers. Prior to the conference, the young people participating, including our own working group, prepared presentations which contained their desires for what they want politicians in the City Council to work on. At the conference attended not only politicians from different parties sitting in the City Council but also former Child and Youth Minister Manu Sareen who held the opening speech where he expressed how important it is to create meetings between those who make the political decisions and those decisions these influences. (A3) During the ”Ung Aktion” festival on Den Røde Plads the 30th of may. We had invited political youth parties and experts to debate the refugee crisis and the crisis in Syria. The idea was to get young people to familiarize themselves with current political topics. Where they learn about these an to challenge the youth politicians views. The event was attended by about 200 young people from the local area. And a panel consisting of youth politicians from following parties. Radikale, Venstre, Socialdemokratiet, Enhedslisten and one person from Mellemfolkelig Samvirke. First each panelist had 2 minutes to present its positions. Followed by a debate in the panel about the refugee crisis and Denmarks responsibility to areas adjacent to Syria. The event ended with questions from the audience. The whole event was facilitated by 2 students from Den Økologiske Produktionsskole.

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