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Une première expérience professionnelle en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The lycée Colbert is a vocational school which educate 340 students each year in Services and Sales. The students often come from families in financial, social or cultural difficulties. The certificates that we prepare the students for are the “Baccalaureat Professionnel” (level IV certificate – 3-year course) and the “Certificat d’aptitude professionnelle” (level V certificate – 2-year course). We also prepare 40 students in alternating training for the "Brevet de Technicien Supérieur" (2 year course after the Baccalauréat / equivalent of the english Higher National Diploma). The project's objectives are to promote professional mobility, develop professional skills, improve fluency in English and Spanish and increase European cultural openess by this first experience of internship abroad. The establishment has been developing European mobility projects for the students for many years and many members of the staff are involved in organizing the project each year. The 2015 project will be based on a project management wich integrate regularly meetings of the steering committee. This year, the students from Commerce, Sales, Management and Administration and Reception and Customer Relations will be involved et the two european destinations for the students will be Ireland and Spain. Our mobility project for 2015 involves 25 students who are preparing a professional degree "Baccalauréat professionnel" (level IV) in our vocational school : - 10 students in "Commerce" (2nd year of a 3-year course), - 5 students in "Sales" (2nd year of a 3-year course), - 5 students in "Management and Administration" (final year) and - 5 students in “Reception and Customer Relations" (final year). Students will be selected based on motivation, seriousness and merit. Any financial difficulties that the families are in will be noted in order that we can help them as much as possible. Activities. -Before the internship in both countries, students will prepare their stay with the help of their teachers according to their training reference. -Students will travel to Dublin in Ireland to conduct an internship for a period of four weeks in March 2016 (" Management & Administration" and "Reception and Customer Relations" or Estepona in Spain to conduct an internship for a period of 3 weeks in June/July 2015 ("Commerce" and "Sales" students) . -During this period, students will be staying with host families and will be followed by a service partner, chosen by our vocational school with specific objectives. - Two teachers will accompany the students, some of whom are minors, at the beginning of the stay to implement the internship and in order to assist them in the discovery of the country . Two other teachers will come from France at the end of the stay to conduct the internship evaluation. This internship will count for the continuous evaluation of the examination of students and will enable them to obtain a european reference when they will pass their Baccalaureate (“Reception and Customer Relations" and “Management and Administration” Baccalaureate). All students will also be able to get a Europass. The students will also be able to pass the mobility optional test part of the baccalauréat (the firtst part of the test will take place during the mobility). Long terms expected effects on participants : - Developp perspectives with regard to international internships. - Increase levels of success in exams - Develop access to further education - Develop employability related to key skills and aptitudes developed during the project (autonomy, adaptability, openness to European culture,…) The project will also help develop the attractiveness of the school.

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