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Une porte d'ouverture sur l'Europe : l'Espagne
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lycée Jean Moulin is a vocational school located in Vincennes, in the outskirt of Paris. Our school offers courses in five different professional fields : Logistics, Administration and Management, Business, Customer Service and Sale. Most of our students come from disadvantaged socio economic categories (31% of them receive a scholarship based on social criteria, which is extremely high, especially when compared to other schools in our district area). We have 39 different nationalities in our school and three different foreign languages are taught (English, German and Spanish). For a very long time, the European Awareness has been part of our school curriculum thanks to our two European Classes in English and in Spanish. Those classes are open to all students regardless of the diploma they are preparing which gives every one of them the opportunity to take part in this program. Each class recruits up to twelve students thanks to an interview when the jury focuses on the students' motivation more than on the level in the foreign language.On the academic year 2015/2016, the Spanish European class is the only one to offer a mobility to our students (the European class in English still exists but no longer offers training periods in the UK). We wish to offer our five students a cultural, professional and linguistic openness. The mobility is planned during the first semester of the third and last year of their course in order to help have the best training and preparation. We train the students with projects using new technologies such as Skype or a web radio. During the last mobility (November 2015) one of our students introduced via Skype and a video conferencing his working environment and his different tasks to the students who had stayed in France. Our courses are based on authentic professional documents that make our teaching more accurate and efficient. At the end of the second year of their three-year-course, we select the students who will (or will not) benefit from a Eurasmus+ mobility scholarship. We transfer their Europass CV and a presentation of each of them to our correspondent in Salamanca. Therefore, he can select a proper work placement according to the personality and abilities of the students. The organization of our work placements in Salamanca requires a lot of time and energy, we need to be especially careful with the students who are not European Union citizens so they can safely travel from France to Spain. The teachers accompany the Students to Salamanca and introduce them to their host families. For two days, they altogether visit the city in order to improve their knowledge about Spanish cultural habits, the history of the city through its monuments and some museums. For the next mobility (academic year 2016/2017) we would like to add a cultural aspect by visiting "Radio Espacio" and show our students the different processes of this local radio in Salamanca. At the end of the first two days, the students are able to use the different transportation means. Afterwards we take them to meet their tutor on their work placement.During the stay, our teachers are constantly in touch with the students, their tutors, their host families and our local correspondent thanks to such applications as Whatsapp and Skype. Our correspondent in Salamanca visits the students individually every week. At the end of their four week placement, the teachers evaluate the students thanks to the official Evaluation Grids that have been translated into Spanish for each different diploma.Once they are back in France, our students have to complete a report about this unique experience. This helps them prepare to their final exam. We also organize a meeting between the students who have just come back from Spain and the Students who are aspiring to take part in this mobility. Our students realize what an extraordinary opportunity this is for their own personal development but also to enrich their training and get better chances to succeed in higher education. This meeting has been extremely motivating for both groups and we think this will become a ritual from now on.

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