European Projects
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
A European openess for all trainees. This Erasmus + project belongs to the CFA des Villes de la Mayenne’s school project, a CFA giving each apprentice a chance.
The public who is welcomed to the CFA comes from various establishments ( secondary schools and social services ) which gives a diversity of levels and therefore our school establishes different organisations to remedy ( adapted teaching, individualized training).
The European mobility is a strong part of our school project and is accessible to all apprentices at the CFA ( from the vocational training qualification to a two-year technical degree).
Erasmus + project will concern 45 apprentices among who 14 with less opportunity.
We put the emphasis on the public mixing in our project conception .
Awareness to Europe and democracy will be at the heart of our activities at the CFA and during the stay.
Several steps for the Erasmus project :
- A work about Europe and democracy with identified groups at the beginning of the training. Apprentices, families and employers will be informed that this work will lead to a mobility .
- Putting in place an annual calendar with specific times during French and history lessons ( association of the teaching staff), times of Europe modules ( made by the responsible of the European programme), partner interventions ( Maison de l’ Europe , a member of the European Parliament), apprentices’ testimony from the European class, video exchanges with students in our partner establishments( skype, facebook).
- At the end of the first training year, nomination papers will be given to the apprentices to be validated by their family and employer.
- Papers will be then studied to select according the following points : involvement in the project, motivation, professionnal skills and capacity to share one’s experience.
- The selected candidates will attend prep sessions ( language, country discovery, host firms for the training periods, follow-up papers).
- During the stay, apprentices will be accompanied by a teacher who will be in charge of the follow-up tools ( training book, Europass).
- On their return, apprentices will restore their experience to the class who had worked with them on the project.
During the project, the partner establishments will be associated to the action : information on topics, planned times for video exchanges between apprentices, setting the stay dates, looking for host firms and meeting times organisation between the apprentices during the mobility.
The expected results are the following :
- Awareness to Europe : what it means to be a European citizen?
- Cultural openesss, especially for less opportunity apprentices
- Professionnal practise confrontation to another reality
- Possibility to extend this mobility experience to a working experience abroad after the training.
Working with class groups on a project for a 2 year training will allow us to involve all the teaching staff. Besides, mixing the European class with French apprentices during professionnal group works creates a link.
Finally, apprentices involved in European mobilities are the best ambassadors to promote the European stays.
A European openess for all apprentices. This Erasmus + project will be on a long term one of the strongest points of our futur school project. It will allow us to link the welcoming of less opportunity apprentices with the European mobility which is undoubtly a capital gain for all.