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Une nouvelle étape vers l'Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

P. Neruda is a vocational highschool, situated close to Nantes, France. In this school, teachers prepare students to work in service industries. Most of the students who attend our classes have personal issues, therefore they have very few opportunities to discover Europe. This opening on the international project is essential to help them getting more familiar with geographical mobility, and to appear at their best from an employment point of view,, and an european cultural perspective. Seven teachers are part of the team. They are very motivated and teach French, English, German, Economics and Management. Their headmaster is a great support. These people are dynamic. As most of them worked abroad, they feel very enthusiastic about transmitting their experience to their pupils. This team wishes to exchange ideas on teaching with European teachers and to discover european firms. In a first time, the language training ( SILC) will provide the teachers the ability to speak a foreign language. Then, they will also get the opportunity to work on the way a DNL can be taught. The first meeting abroad will be the chance for european teaching teams to set the foundations of a durable partnership. Thus the lives of the students members of this professional and cultural exchange will dramatically change. Last but not least, Erasmus + would emphasize our request for two european classes in Pablo Neruda.
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