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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is a bilateral EVS initiative among Germany and Armenia. The themes of project are youth policy, international cooperation, international relations, and European awareness. The objectives are to promote solidarity and tolerance among young people and to foster mutual understanding between youngsters from different cultural backgrounds. The specific priorities are active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity of young people (according to The EU Youth Strategy 2010 - 2018). The project is implemented at the Yerevan State Linguistic University in Armenia. The duration of the project is 5 months and 1 volunteer from Germany is involved in it. The volunteer's activities are implemented in two directions. First, they will involve the participation of the volunteer in educational processes with innovative non-formal methods, assisting both professors and students in language courses, and giving the students a unique opportunity to practice foreign languages with native speakers. Furthermore, volunteers will organize cultural events such as film screenings, discussion clubs, workshops and other types of non-formal education, which will promote the development of their communication skills, as well as public speaking and oral skills of University students. The second direction is connected with the participation of EVS volunteers in activities of the YSULSS Career Center and Graduates Association. Volunteers will participate in the organization of different youth events at the University and out of it. Also they will contribute to develop a networking with partner organizations, establishing new contacts for possible cooperation. The project is open to new ideas and initiatives from the volunteers. All the volunteers' activities will encourage and motivate local youth towards new horizons and challenges. the project will also promote the self development of volunteers, tolerance and intercultural learning.
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