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Understanding and Assessing the Impact and Outcomes of the ERC Funding Schemes (EURECIA)
Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our objective is to develop and apply a novel methodology to understand better EU research system dynamics and the European Research Council’s activities by assessing its funding schemes’ impact and outcomes. We will report on robustly measured, properly attributed impacts for: researchers (starting/advanced); the organisation of research; and science governance (national/transnational funding agencies, science policies). We have conceptualised how research communities, organisations and funders operate. Our robust, flexible methodology assumes to register impact by measurement of at least two time points and gives serious consideration to attribution issues. Our team members have international reputations in science studies, research intermediaries, science governance, organisational analysis, and methodology. We aim to: develop a framework to analyse ERC funding scheme impact(s) and interactions with existing governance regimes; develop a method to identify and attribute ERC impacts; apply this method (to test it and to collect Phase 1 data on a) researchers b) research organisations c) research funding organisations and d) the wider national/transnational science governance context); propose methodologies for discrete (panel) to assess progress towards the ERC’s desired/expected outcomes and impact; ensure our framework has a statement (and understanding) of ‘added value’; and aid ERC’s strategy (including scrutinising its objectives) in consultation with key stakeholders. Our research activities are: a ‘starting independent researchers’ survey; ‘starting independent researchers’/‘advanced investigators’ studies; host research organisation case studies; national research council (or equivalent) case studies; and ERC and EU funding landscape review. Our 9 WPs provide for in-built interactions between activities.

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