European Projects
Underground - Eurobairro
Underground - Eurobairro
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2018
The EuroN aims to combat the phenomena of extreme exclusion, illiteracy and juvenile delinquency in the context of social neighborhoods. We want to create the first youth movement (Network) Eurobairro (Euro N), a virtual habitat based on a diluted Web Platform complemented by traditional social networks that put in network problematic youth communities of Turkey, Portugal and Spain. We will transform this communities into spaces of Smart Inclusion with European Identity. We will reach at least 280 young people in extreme exclusion. The Eurobairro aims to transform social housing estates involved in communities that value and enhance their intercultural, ecological, social and intergenerational dimension to provide opportunities for integration and assertion based on the founding principles of the European Union of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human rights. For it we will put in motion four Eurobairro Intelligent Social Responses, the ESRI. The ESRI 1 – Eco N Plans - plans thet will promote environmental education based on the principles of sustainability in a phased manner. The ESRI 2 - EN Next Door Path - will be a series of international workshops and training that complement the basic work done in each country. Will be three international meetings in the context of social neighborhood with a strong intergenerational dimension to promote the knowledge and intercultural dialogue, education of leaders and multipliers, the exchange of good practices between educational bodies and promoting events of European and international public impact . It will have as its primary mission to be a forum to discuss youth policies for smart inclusion of young people in extreme exclusion, also called social policies of the new generation. The ESRI 3 - Team Forum - Will work as a project team and parliament. Will have two structures, one national and one international. The ERSI 4 it will be Academy "EN SpaceTime" initiative anchor of the project with a virtual dimension and a formative dimension from the point of view of non-formal education. It will give birth of Platform / Virtual Habitat Eurobairro. Through it will be possible to reach at least 10,000 more young people.