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Under the moon
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called UTM shorter for »Under the moon« was held by Slovenian film group MMCT, working and creating in MCT - Mladinski center Trbovlje. Our goal was to unite people, especially youngsters with different stories and backgrounds from all around the world to create one single story in this extensive and diverse project. The idea was inspired by overall look at people who live their own life in their own way, face different problems in different parts of the world, without knowing that many times their stories are similar and unconsciously deeply connected. The project is called »Under the moon«, because the moon itself stands as a symbol of connection. We all live under the moon’s light, and if we think about it, together we are unimaginably small against the universe, but at the same time very important. The same is with our stories which are small, but important. In this project we included partner organizations from different countries. Each group was made up of 4 participants, aged 16-24 and one leader (together five participants). Our goal was to connect different stories (with different backgrounds) together in one single film. Each group had to write their own script, and present it to all the participants on the mid-term meeting. Participants filmed the stories in their countries. In the final of the project, all individual films from each group were edited together in one, united creation, which displayed different subjects, such as discrimination, poverty, active citizenship, European citizenship etc. Every month at the time of the project, groups were informed with instructions and informations from the leader of the hosting group, summarized in one minute long videos. Each participating group had to give the feedback to others (with 1min long videos) about what were they doing (regarding the project). During the project we had three meetings in different countries. Topic of the first meeting was creating the plan of collaboration between groups during the project, discussion and workshops about media literacy as well as writing the screenplay. At the second meeting, we finished the scripts, evaluated our work and prepared for actualization-filming of the written screenplays. The topic of the last meeting was finishing the film, presentation of the film (premiere in Belgrade) and final evaluation. During our meetings we also organized workshops where the youngsters worked on different fields of media production (depended on the topic during meetings, for example: writing screenplay, filming, editing and post-production, etc.), so through the whole project youngsters learned and acquired competences from media literacy. With this project we wanted to make an effect on the thinking of majority on the connections of people living on our planet, not knowing about each other, but still being connected no matter in which country they live and their cultural differences. Regarding long term effect we would like to point out that this project is just the beginning of strategic partnership between youngsters in different countries. Now, as the project is finished, our connections still live on and while developing, gaining also others, less experienced groups of youngsters with the same thinking and will to learn, so we can share example of good practice with them.
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3 Partners Participants