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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1) CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT "M. Rapisardi? High school has started an intensive process of internationalization becoming for its own territory (Catania) the school in charge for an European network of Sicilian schools. In these last years, Mario Rapisardi High School has been setting up many partnerships with different schools all over Europe. The school has been offering a wide range of language courses, ( English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese) together with courses of CLIL methodology. In this European dimension, the school has been encountering some problems in terms of sustainability of the projects. Actually, a very few number of teachers and members of the management staff have a good competence in English language. 2) OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT - NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTECIPANTS The aim of the project is therefore aimed at revising and strengthening the professional profile of the following participants: - Management staff: developing their English language skills in order to increase their capacity to operate at an international level. - Teachers of non-linguistic subjects: improving their knowledge of English in the perspective of delivering content lessons in English according to CLIL methodologies. - Specialist English Teachers: providing them a professional development of Clil methodologies and practices to become future CLIL trainers. 3) DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES For each of the three selected groups a two week training course in UK has been planned. Specifically, an intensive language training course for the staff and CLIL teachers and a structured course on CLIL practices for the specialist English teachers. The plan of mobility will be arranged and managed by a Group of Project selected according to the principles of skills and competences in the field of education and training. This team will organise a preparatory course of fifteen hours and it will keep regular contacts with the English school and provide support to the participants to ensure a successful learning pathway. This team will be in charge for monitoring the whole project and arranging tutoring/mentoring activities. It will also assess the results and the impact of the project. 4) METHODOLOGY Language training and structured courses or training events on CLIL methodological approaches will be delivered by accredited language centers/schools. The monitoring of the results acquired by students will occur along the entire course of the training and after by the same English School and by the Project Group. The skills acquired will be certified by documents such as Europass Mobility and Europass Language Passport. 5) RESULTS AND IMPACT ENVISAGED Dissemination and exploitation to the objectives will be: - Improving the quality of Management Staff work - Implementing CLIL teaching in all the last classes of the High school - Improving the quality and the variety of methodological strategies to promote the exchange of good practices - Promoting the open access to material, documents and media through the eTwinning platform and the website ? and others - Greater involvement of students and families in the field of active citizenship and international dimension of culture - A positive synergy between school and its own territory on the themes of active citizenship, European dimension of culture and internationalization. 6) LONG-TERM BENEFITS - A further strengthening of the school as a reference point in the territory to develop initiatives addressing to internationalization and planning European projects - The use of professional resources of the school in non-school projects with active involvement of other components of the territory (other schools, civil society, local authorities and institutions)
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