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"Una nueva dimensión linguística: CONOCER PARA APRENDER"
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project aims to meet the training needs of the middle-level vocational students at our school in two complementary ways: first, by offering them theoretical and practical training in the specific competences of their own mode of teaching; and secondly, by also providing them with specific linguistic training in languages other than their mother tongue. In this regard, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programme, in 2012 we established a cooperation agreement with a Lisbon nursing home. So far, this cooperation has proved to be a success since it allows us both to ensure our students an excellent work centre for their practices and, at the same time, a geographical closeness to their home towns (as we should not forget a high percentage of our middle level students are minors under the age of 18). All along these years, our students have always expressed a strong interest in participating in this current Leonardo da Vinci programme, as it allows our students transfer learning from the classroom to a real work environment and, at the same time, it allows them the opportunity to learn or improve a European language other than their own. The aid requested for the mobility to a Portuguese caring center for the elderly (Sociedade da Charities) for four weeks ( between April and June 2015 course ) is intended for our second-year students of intermediate level of Social care for people in a situation of dependency. Our students will be chosen from among those showing more interest, motivation and knowledge regardless of their social status and / or staff. For this reason, the department committee of our Leonardo programme will offer information of our activities in an early course selection in January 2015 (through personal interviews, academic record, knowledge of other languages by the qualified teachers) and will also offer the mobility aid upon acceptance and compliance of the chosen students. The activities which our students will have to carry out in this nursing home in Lisbon are all of them related to their future professional profile, as they are intended take care of the elderly residents in the centre in such areas as psychosocial care, personal care needs, personal hygiene, etc. So far, we consider the results of this experience have been qualitatively and quantitatively excellent. The former are visible in the personal satisfaction of our students after the period of these practices. The quantitative results have to do with the employment of our students, as our students can offer an enriching professional experience to the institutions and companies in the country of origin. This will allow the teachers involved in our programme to strengthen their motivation and face confidently the new challenges of teaching in Europe. At the same time, we intend to share experiences with other European colleagues through the e-twinning platform, improve our competencies in other European languages, learn about other teaching methods and increase our commitment to our work. We also plan to publicise the activities carried out in our programme in order to keep the entire school community informed about the benefits and improvements achieved within the framework of the European educational programmes.
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