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Un stage en Europe pour une ouverture professionnelle et culturelle 2016-2017
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MFR of Bernay en Champagne is developing a project of Erasmus + work placements of 3 weeks for its pupils in vocational training in services to people and territories in Romania, and, for its pupils in vocational training in management of a farm, in Belgium. European mobility has been boosted by the National Union and the MFR of Bernay succeeded in applying it in its school project, that’s why the second goal is « to be open to the world through mobility ». The young people are, for most of them, from a rural environment and they don’t have many mobility experiences. They need yet to be open-minded, mobile and autonomous so as to adapt themselves to the job market. For the trainers, the interest is to strengthen the team dynamics and two goals have been defined : to work in interdisciplinarity and meet professionals in Europe. For the MFR this project has also two goals : to reinforce its European dimension and settle it in its territory. We think this project will enable us to enhance our visibility within the local community and to arouse exchange and networks. In order to meet the pupils’ and the territory’s needs, we defined the following goals : to bring a professional openness to the pupils and to open them to the culture of another European country. This project of Erasmus + work placement in Europe will also enable the young people to be more mobile, skilful, capable of adaptation and curious so that they gain access to skilled jobs. Then, the young people have different learning goals according to their training skills base :- for the training in farming, the professional skills to acquire will have for subject the vegetable and animal production, farm equipment and buildings and the management of a firm.- for the training in services, the professional skills expected will be about integration, users’welcome, information and orientation, internal and external communication, and the organisation and follow-up of projects. The pupils will be prepared before the work placements in the different subjects which are taught to them as soon as their first year. The mobility will take place at the beginning of their last year of training, in October-November 2016. Thereafter, the pupils will make the most of their experience through different tests for their exam (tests during their training and final-year exam) and through the construction of their professional project. The MFR will also have to spread the results of the project which will be evaluated through meetings with the project-team and the analysis of tools such as satisfaction surveys.

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