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Un pas vers l'emploi: accompagner l'insertion des jeunes adultes en difficulté
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project « A step towards employment: accompanying the integration of marginalised young adults » aims to contribute to improving the employability of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training”, aged 16 and older, who are cared for in non-formal educational institutions of Apprentis d’Auteuil and its affiliated activities.In Europe, the unemployment rate of young adults has reached peak levels. In particular, the young people who are the least qualified are the first victims of the world’s financial crisis. In this context, the specific population of « youth at risk », cared for by Apprentis d’Auteuil and its affiliated activities, is particularly vulnerable.This realisation raises concerns for Apprentis d’Auteuil, which has put the professional integration of young adults at the heart of its strategic priorities and has tested out various initiatives promoted by European policies.With this new project, 60 employees from the Foundation and its affiliated activities in mainland France and its overseas territories, will be meeting experimented professionals working in the field of NEET professional integration in 7 European countries (in the United Kingdom, Northern Europe and elsewhere). This project mainly targets professionals working to improve youth integration in the labour market (trainers, youth integration counsellors, educators) as well as decision-makers and development officers.Its aim is to improve our staff skills and help our programs evolve. Participants will study innovative services for young adults’ professional integration, in particular remobilisation and labour market intermediation-job matching programs. They will also discover mentoring initiatives for young adults wishing to create their own business and other emerging solutions in the field of social entrepreneurship.Four training seminars, baptised « Workshops », will each bring together 12 participants over 5 days. The programs will include class periods (conceptual and contextual inputs, description of the tools developed by the partner, a time of cross-analysis of practices) and field visits of integration structures for young adults. During specific visits, participants will be able to observe what they have learned in the theoretical part of the workshop.Besides the workshops, 12 participants will take part in job shadowing placements in Finland, Belgium, Austria, Spain and Italy. These immersive professional visits will give them the possibility of an in-depth study of the partner organization’s practices: meet program staff, discuss and confront their ideas, experiment solutions and tools.The EU mobility participants’ experiences will enrich the reflections and influence the strategic choices of the Foundation regarding the professional integration of young adults. The conclusions from this project, which will be documenting the various programs observed, will be largely communicated internally at every level of the Foundation and its affiliated activities, and outside the organization with our many European and international partners.The project will have a direct impact on the local, regional and national job markets, thanks to the increase in the level of skills and thus, employability of young adults throughout France. Indirectly, the dissemination of innovative practices regarding professional integration might also have a positive influence on the European and international market by encouraging our partners to consider new tools for young adults’ integration in the labour market.
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5 Partners Participants