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Un futuro sobre ruedas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

VET School Salesian Nuestra Señora de El Pilar in Zaragoza in totally ready for expanding its range of cooperation in Europe. In fact, the School has been participating in many projects and international exchange initiatives for several years, which certainly proves its European dimension. We are convinced that the participation in this vocational training programme within Erasmus + provides our VET centre with a further opportunity towards internalization. The project “Un futuro sobre ruedas” has been designed to provide our second-year students of the Intermediate Vocational Training Cycle with unique opportunity to carry out a part of the Obligatory Training in a Work Place Programme in an European country, in the city of Leipzig (Germany). This mobility project is directed towards 20 students of the Intermediate Vocational Training Cycle covering different specialties provided by our school: Machining, Machining, Electrical and Automatic Installations and Motor Vehicles. The project shall consist of two mobility periods. The first mobility will be organized in or 2015-16 academic year and the second one in 2016-17. Both mobilities will cover a part of the period established in Obligatory Training in a Work Place Programme. The other part of obligatory training will be completed in local Spanish companies in Zaragoza. The project will give an opportunity to participate in one month practical training delivered by a training company – Vitalis. The programme is designed to be entirely practical and oriented towards current market requirements, such us use of alternative energies for motor vehicles. This training programme has been designed for our students in order to give them a chance to participate in a project aimed at design and manufacture of a single - seat electric vehicle. We consider the fact that this initiative is intended for students from different specialties will provide them with an opportunity to develop teamwork skills by sharing their knowledge and experience. The reason why we have chosen Germany as the best country to develop our projects is, with no doubt, the technological breakthrough that has been achieved recently, especially in industrial sector as well as its entrepreneurial culture. The principal goals of this projects related to our students are: - Improve competences levels and employability of students from Intermediate Vocational Training Cycle. - Improve their language skills. - Increase their level of personal maturity and autonomy. - Improve their interpersonal skills. - Boarden their knowledge on European culture and increase their opportunities at European labour market. - Adapt our vocational training programme to the European labour market real needs - Promote the recognition of the traineeship carried out in Europe Considering the features of our project, we claim that the positive impact of this programme will be most noticed at local level, but it will also contribute to achieve the following common goals at regional, national and European level: - Labour insertion of our students. Consequently, thanks to this projects we expect to reduce the youth unemployment rate. - The knowledge about the technology solutions applied by European companies can be used in our environment. - Increase the number of students interested in obtaining vocational training in our VET centre. - Serve as a reference for other VET centers to encourage them to participate in mobility projects and consider it as a way of professional competences acquisition. - Improve linguistic skills of both students and teaching staff. - Development of skills of the managing team specially created for this project. - We expect that this project will generate a number of positive synergies with our Partner, which will allow developing more collaborative projects due to positive impact of the present project.
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