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Un enfoque internacional en nuestro Plan Lingüístico de Excelencia
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project is born in a bilingual Primary Education school in English language. The bilingual Project we are enrolled in, has been marked in the level of excellence. The subjects of natural science, social science and arts, are taught in English. In spite of being a young center (this is its eight year) it has taken part and it continues taking part in innovative programmes, not only regional ones, but also international programmes: “digital school bag” (to change paper books by digital ones), job-shadowings, language assistants from other countries through the Erasmus+ programme, a Comenius Project, an intercultural trip “the other’s arrival” with 20 pupils to another country in a different continent for five days, we have also involved in international educational groups (ENO, Dreamdo Schools, e-twinning). The director team and the Erasmus+ commisiton apply for this Project to consolidate, strengthen and internationalize the Linguistic Project of our school through the following aims:-The acquisition of new CLIL and ICT methodologies to adapt our school to the new era.-To train of the director team in new dynamics of school organization.-Acquisition of a best level of linguistic competence in English language by the teachers immersed in the Linguistic Project of the school.- To Increase the number of subjects in the Linguistic Programme, incorporating Physical Education. - To create links with other foreign schools in order to participate in future cooperation projects. -To learn new and good practices in avant-garde european schools throught the direct observation. -To encourage our pupils with the importance of multilingualism and intercultural issues in 21st century society. In order to achieve these aims, five types of mobilities have been planned:Type A Mobility. CLIL methodology jobshadowing. Type B Mobility. New Technologies (ITC) jobshadowing.Type C Mobility. Course to prepare english exams for C1.Type D Mobility. CLIL methodologies course to add the Linguistic Project of School.Type E Mobility. School organization and good practises course. Finally, we show the results that we want to achieve through the Erasmus+ KA1 project:-To update the methodological training in lingustic skills of the teachers involved in the Linguistic Plan of our School.-To modernise CLIL and ITC methodologies of teachers involved in the different areas taught in English.- To increase the number or subjects involved in the Linguistc Programme of our school, adding Physical Educadtion to these subjects.- Make our pupils and teachers aware of the feeling of being part of Europe and the internationalisation of our school.-To learn and to get in touch with practical and dynamic ways of organizing a Primary Education School.Thus, our school would deeply enrich by strengthen the multilingual dimension and the felling of belonging to such an intercultural society as the European one is.We do not forget that the final aim of our school, by means of the perfection of our teachers through new practices and methodologies acquired in an European background, the increase of the linguistic skills of our teachers and the learning of new ways of organisation and dinamization of a school and the strengthen of the bonds with other schools, will revert to the quality of the education offered to our pupils, increasing their motivation and their educational comptences, and, finally, it will have an effect in our educational community. All this is essential in such a plural and multicultural society as Europe is.The effect that the KA1 project would produce in our staff could lead to a future in which more teachers are encouraged to participate in this kind of activities and the possibility of getting enrolled in a KA2 action with other schools that we have met during these years through the e-twinning plattform and other ones (DreamDo, ENO…).
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