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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“A travelling jewel” is a project gathering six partner schools. These six schools are from six European States and share a common vocational training linked to jewellery techniques and the art of jewellery design. Their goal is to involve as many students as possible in a project pedagogically relevant. Considering today’s European identity and territory, we consider it impossible not to embrace the diversity of techniques and ways in learning the same profession. Our travelling jewel can be seen as a ring, but it is foremost a symbolical circular object expressing the union and solidarity of an alliance. the educational policy in our institutions will become richer from this alliance through our differences and togetherness thanks to the numerous pedagogical tools and innovations that we will create. “A travelling jewel” conveys our will of going on a pedagogical journey together through time and space. Over the course of the three years of our partnership, we thus suggest to orientate the project first on the past, then on the present and finally on the future : a) During the first year, each country will focus on its territory and discover and analyse its own heritage, be it natural, industrial, mineral, cultural or artistic. We want to respect traditional and empirical techniques that founded the craft as well as integrate our cultural heritage. Sharing them with our partners will be our way to sensitize them to our way of doing things and of thinking. b) During the second year, the project will be integrated into the present time and will focus on raising our political, cultural, social and ecological awareness. We will do this by discovering and using materials and techniques seen and experienced when meeting the other culture in another country thanks to the project mobility between schools. c) The third year will develop the project into the jewel of future time. During that last year, the focus will be on the desire of innovation and exchange between schools around common values such as commitment and european citizenship. The pluridisciplinarity and transversality will be obvious throughout each year : 1) First, the students will do research on their own heritage and then discover their partners’ heritage. 2) Secondly, they will be creating jewels by using what they learnt both from their own cultural heritage or by what they discovered from their partners. 3) Thirdly, Students will write and distribute their experience in the school newspaper, on the web, on social networks, ... 4) And finally, the pinnacle of our partnership will be a yearly travelling exhibition presenting the “travelling jewels” created by students from the six schools. The project “a travelling jewel” is meant to trigger new ways of learning for all the teams involved in the partnership, it will also disseminate the result in a relevant way via the exhibited and published products. Most importantly, it will open and sensitize the pedagogical horizons of our schools towards the most fragile students, those who are most susceptible to drop out or vulnerable when it comes to occupational integration.
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5 Partners Participants