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„Umien, wiem, przekaze”/warsztaty mobilne
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main objective of the project was to study psychological characteristics in learning of foreign languages by adults - identification of patterns and differences to identify properly the contents of educational programs in the field of learning the foreign language in our organizations. The presented project is the result of the implementation of the previous partnership project "E-toile", during which were tested different types and forms of mobile learning of a foreign language for both teachers and adult learners. The project has been tested in the international groups of teachers and learners from 10 countries that use the active method of pedagogy, new method based on assumptions that are developed by experts from Poland. To accomplish our goals we organized teaching courses in three organizations focused on teaching languages to adults in Cyprus, in Netherlands and in United Kingdom. Project enhanced the process to built the relationship among educational institutions and to built the knowledge, to promote the multiculturalism and to exchange best practices. Learning the foreign languages, working in mixed groups, combined with the adults from various countries is a relatively new phenomenon in Europe. However, our mobilities have shown that this method is successful and will continue to gain the popularity. Our method of training in an international group of students, when the teacher and students use only the language that is the purpose of the course, has been successfully accepted and created a big interest from students participating in those lessons. These classes generated enormous interest on the part of the students themselves, for the first time caught in this "difficult" situation. Besides, the lesson in itself creates a model of foreign language environment, which becomes the strongest motivation to create the phrases in the foreign language. Such communicative situations are mirroring everyday life in multicultural and multilingual Europe. Such reality demands from trainers/teachers trainings for special interpersonal skills, practices in applying various working techniques, implementation of non-standard glottodidactics and advanced pedagogical tools. During the project implementation there were delivered 2-days courses in 2 partner organizations 1. The Russian Language Centre, United Kingdom 2. COVOR, Netherlands And 3-days courses in 1 organization: 1. Pupils of Pythagoras school LTD, Cyprus The project was implemented with the representatives of various sectors of education (formal and informal, private industry etc), but each of them, in addition, specializes in the education for adults as the primary or secondary direction of the work activities. Courses contained the following parts: 1.Workshops for teachers, to show the most interesting pedagogical techniques developed by our trainers, 2. Open classes in unfamiliar group of adult learners, whose level of Russian language was pre-established 3. Panel discussion about the realization of educational goals and answering participants’ questions 4. Peer observation 5. Interactive interview For each of the partner organizations were prepared individual workshop topics and themes for classes, considering the specificity of the language preparation and culture of the country. During the project were created ready-lesson-plans in the international groups, which later become the basis for the creation of a pan-European collection of educational materials for adults. All the teaching materials were delivered to partner organizations and aimed to be implemented on their Internet websites for continuous sharing. Achieved results “hard” - participation in 3 mobilities of 2 trainers from our organization and 42 teachers and 39 adult participants of language course in the hosting organizations - educational staff in 3 organizations gained new skills that help them to improve their professional career - 4 organizations (including ours) now have the chance to increase amount of adults pupils in language courses - created a valuable collection of educational materials during realisation of the mobility project „soft”: - active participation in creation of the lessons allowed to valuate own skills of our trainers, also allowed to see the opportunities for career development - an opportunity: to implement the new methodology that was co-created together with trainers, to improve educational services, to increase the level of creativity, to improve communicational methods in the groups of adult pupils, to increase self-valuation of the participants, to increase self-confidence and adaptability of the participants Expected long-term benefits: For our organization: an increase in the range of activities and educational projects, long-term partnership with the participants of the mobility, a built network with new contacts while promoting new educational materials, an increase in brand-awareness of our organization. For recipients of our education
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3 Partners Participants