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Umiejętności zawodowe nabyte w szkole i podczas stażu kluczem do sukcesu na europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Learning Mobility of Individuals: VET learner and staff mobility entitled ‘Vocational abilities aquired at school and during foreign apprenticeship are the key to success on the European labour market.’ is carried out by the Complex of Secondary Schools (Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych) in Ornontowice. It is the next stage, after European projects conducted on school premises and the teachers’ mobilities , of emplementing the School European Development Plan. The sixteen participants are trained at the secondary technical level as electricians, economists and food technology technicians and they have been selected by a recruitment. The partner of the project is a Spanish company ESMOVIA, which is dedicated to the management of the European mobility projects and has an extensive experience in the organisation of vocational trainings in Valencia. The objectives of the project are raising the vocational competences of our students and the education of trained staff, able to cooperate with partners from other EU countries and to adapt to the working conditions in Poland and abroad. The participants should also develop their entrepreneurship and the capability of competing on the European and domestic job market. The project will result in gaining by the students work experience in dissimilar culture, developing their language skills and acquiring vocational terms. Moreover, it will not only promote the knowledge about other countries, cultures and customs but encourage the tolerance and the openness towards different races, religions and ethnic groups. Additionally, the school will benefit from the project by raising its prestige, enriching the educational offer and boosting the vocational mobility of its graduates. Finally, the teachers will be motivated to learn foreign languages, too. In order to prepare the participants for the trip and to limit the risk, we have planned extra language classes (English and Spanish), as well as cultural and psychological support. During the four-week apprenticeship the participants will develop, in carefully selected according to their needs employing institutions, their practical skills connected with their profession. They will get to know new technologies and the work organization in foreign companies. They will learn how to use English in their everyday and professional lives and they will master the basics of the Spanish language. The students of a secondary technical school for electricians will learn how to plan and perform installing works in the field of electrical installations and how to maintain electrical machinery. The students of a technical school of nutrition and food industry services will get familiarised with Spanish consumers’ nutrition habits, the ways of preparing, making and storing healthy Mediterraean dishes, like e.g. paella. They will also gain some experience in servicing foreign customers in high-standard restaurants. The students from a technical school of economics will acquire abilities in the field of customer service in English, editing English formal texts, distributing and recording correspondence, archiving documents and entering data into the database. The apprenticeship will be monitored directly by the supervisors at the workplace, the representatives form ESMOVIA and the school teachers. At the end of the project the participants will receive Europass mobility certificates, which confirm the skills they have acquired.To disseminate the project's results the participants will show back in Poland their films, multimedia presentations and posters about their mobility to the local and school community. They will also run workshops on preparing paella. Moreover, the project team will publish the coverage in the local press and the internet ( school website, Facebook, Twitter etc.) The participants of the project will also upload glossaries of English vocational vocabulary, separately for electricians, economists and nutrition technicians on a free, commonly accessible QUIZLET application.

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