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Umbótamiðað skólastarf, heilsueflandi og tæknivæddur skóli.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We aim to strengthen the following aspects of our school curriculum with European cooperation by seeking cooperative schools in Norway, Denmark and Scotland. We want to reach our goals via job shadowing by visiting schools to study certain aspects. The main goals are to strengthen the skills of our school staff and the diversity of teaching methods.The project will run through two school-years, during which period three schools will be visited twice, each school once per school-year. A team of two to three school employees will visit the schools, thereby lending each other support during the visit as well as back home when newly acquired knowledge is implemented.Each visit will be allotted two days in the schools where visitors will observe in classes and communicate with teachers and students. The third day of the visit will be earmarked for courses/lectures on the topics of each school visit.The project is bifocal:1) Health-promoting school (Heilsueflandi skóli in Icelandic) that emphasizes the value of health and well-being of its students as a basis for successful learning. Tightly knitted to "Heilsueflandi skóli" are the projects The Activity Programme (Trivselsprogrammet in Norwegian) the Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme, as well as outdoor classrooms. To ensure the continuation and development of these ongoing projects in our school, our aim is to visit schools in Norway and Denmark that are in the forefront of these important projects. 2) Information technology and I-pad/tablet use. For the last two years Varmahlíðarskóli has been experimenting with the use of tablets in all classes. This school year every 9th grade student has been equipped with an I-pad. We want to be strategic in our development and use of tablets in our students' individual curricula. With the onset of tablets in the curriculum it is necessary to assist our school´s educators in learning and using ways to apply the tablets in a successful manner. Our aim is to send a team of two teachers, twice, to Scotland, to learn new strategies in information technology in schools where these strategies are being realized.
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