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Uma escola para o futuro
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Grouping of Schools of Póvoa de Lanhoso (AEPL -Agrupamento de Escolas de Póvoa de Lanhoso) has students from pre-school to the secondary and has the mission, together with all local, national and international partners, to promote a high-quality education facing internationalization, which can promote multilingualism, a multicultural education, the academic success of all students and the achievement of high results in standardized national exams, within the framework of a school that can promote health , inclusion, respect, tolerance and critical thinking. This is the Mission defined in the Strategic Plan of European Development (PEDE -, approved by the AEPL School Council and that supports the initiatives of an education that meets the challenges of the 21st century school. Bearing in mind that it is imperative to enhance the existing resources working on the perspective of a Grouping that wants to provide a local service of education that values a wider vision of the directions of the 21st century education, proposed by Europe 2020 strategy, this project has contributed both to engage teachers in the redefinition of their education strategies and to engage the School Board in the bet for new challenges. Thus, the training held by the teachers was contextualized within the PEDE and focused on the areas presented in the framework of this Erasmus + project, namely: -Teaching and learning methodologies with the purpose of opening the classroom to other rooms from different European countries, which implied, necessarily, the redefinition of teaching and learning strategies. The training related to ICT, including web 2.0 tools and online platforms, were of quite important -Collaborative working methodologies for the development of European projects that allowed foster teamwork within the AEPL, consolidate the development of eTwinning projects and start an experience of CLIL (Content and language integrated learning), which will allow a further level of education that can focus on the increase in English language proficiency. -Courses directed to teachers and other staff, which contributed to increase the proficiency in foreign languages and, at the same time, the management of European projects. The human resources who took these training courses conducted different workshops at AEPL, whose main expression was the implementation of the action "A school for the future", for 25 hours, accredited by the Scientific Council of Continuing Training, with the accreditation registration CCPFC/ACC-84544/15. From this group of trainees was built the team that led to the presentation of a proposal for the establishment of a CLIL class, with 7th grade students. This proposal was approved by the School Council and the Assembly of Schools, and is functioning in the schoolyear of 2016/2017. Teachers at the University of Minho and Porto showed their interest in this project and there are partnership protocols being set at the moment. There is also a support of Valadares Secondary School, which is a public school with experience in the CLIL methodology. The creation of a working Group in eTwinning - - allows the sharing of work between elements of the school, the eTwinning community elements and with anyone who surfs the Internet, since it is a public space. The dissemination of the project was also achieved through the eTwinning Ambassador of the northern region and coordinator of this project, in a lot of training actions across the country, with particular emphasis in the north, where this project is presented as an example of a good articulation of eTwinning initiatives with other Erasmus actions. There was also the workshop “ Activities (extramobility) that increase the quality of the project ( from preparation to dissemination) ", by invitation of the National Agency, in the Meeting of Good Practices Sharing and Support to the Quality of the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Erasmus + projects - School Education AC 1– which took place in Lisbon on the 12th July, 2016. Following this action, we were contacted by other schools to support the creation of eTwinning Groups. The project was also presented in the Municipal Council of Education of Póvoa de Lanhoso. "A School for the Future" has fulfilled its goals and opened doors that made us realise we may, effectively, constitute a differentiating educational option in the region in what concerns the public education, due to the opening of a CLIL class and the plan to its extension from the 2017/18 schoolyear. However, we are aware that the consolidation of this path, which started in 2014 with this project, implies, necessarily, deepening training in areas that seem crucial to us, such as CLIL, English proficiency and digital resources.
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